Policy and Planning
Work Placement
Work placement is a means of achieving learning outcomes within a course. Work placement is used in conjunction with other delivery methods such as direct instruction, remote learning, or small group work to provide learning experiences that support students.
Preparing for safe work experiences, and helping students, educators, and employers understand workers’ rights and responsibilities in the workplace, are integral to students’ education and their safe introduction to careers. Additional resources for educators on safety preparation for student career learning and work experiences are available at: Safety Plan Development Session
Note Change: Beginning in September 2024, student work placement data and incident forms will be managed directly by schools and school divisions. With this shift in procedure, copies of the forms are no longer collected by Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning.
Safe storage and accurate record-keeping are important for injury claims. To make a claim for a student on Work Placement an incident report must be submitted directly to the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) in one of the following three ways:
- Online Incident Reporting system (Registration is required. Instructions found by accessing the link.)
- Completing the Employer Incident Report (
159 KB) on the WCB website and faxing it to WCB at 204-954-4999 or toll free at 1-877-872-3804
- Calling WCB at 204-954-4321 or toll free at 1-855-954-4321
**Important** Regardless of the reporting option selected, the firm number to use is 0050153 ED. This indicates that the incident is about a student participating in a work placement, making it clear that they are not a paid employee.
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning is continuing to collaborate with the Workers Compensation Board and the Manitoba School Board Association regarding work placement insurance coverage. It is noted that some school divisions/schools may have private insurance providers.
For further information or clarification, please contact:
Senior Years Technology Education Program Unit
1577 Dublin Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 3J5
Telephone: 204-945-1857
Fax: 204-948-2344
Toll free: 1-800-282-8069, ext. 1857
Email: tve@gov.mb.ca