Research Results
Impact of the IMYM Project on Grade 6 Pilot Teachers: A Follow-up Report
September 2000
Prepared by Distance Learning and Information Technologies Unit, Program Development Branch, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
2.0 Implementation Factors
Teachers were asked to describe implementation factors related to the interdisciplinary unit Inventions, Innovations and Discoveries, location of the IMYM hardware and software, as well as school and division/district expansion of the IMYM model.
2.1 Interdisciplinary Unit: Inventions, Innovations and Discoveries
Six teachers repeated the entire Inventions, Innovations and Discoveries unit with their 1998-99 grade 6 class and six other teachers completed selected components. Three teachers, who teach in multi-age classrooms, plan to teach the Inventions unit next year when they have new students. One teacher has changed schools and two teachers are now teaching at another grade level, in another classroom. Six teachers reported having made modifications to the Inventions unit. Some teachers added to the math component. Others modified the learning experiences to accommodate student needs or time constraints. In addition, ten teachers extended the IMYM model by developing their own interdisciplinary units.
2.2 Location of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Almost all teachers (N=15) reported that the IMYM ICT hardware and software remained in their grade 6 classrooms. Only one teacher reported that the ICT had been relocated to the computer lab. Eleven pilot teachers reported that they still had a telephone in their classroom.
2.3 School Expansion of the IMYM Model
Six of the pilot teachers reported involvement of other grade 6 classes with the IMYM model while ten teachers reported no expansion of the IMYM model in their school. Many teachers reported technology-related and unit-related expansion. Some examples are listed below:
- Another grade 6 teacher is teaching the interdisciplinary unit using the IMYM model.
- Other teachers are using the IMYM software.
- The receiving grade 7 to 12 school has purchased software to keep the learning going for the students involved in IMYM6.
- All computers in the IMYM6 classroom were made Internet accessible.
- Integration of ICT has become an emphasis in school planning.
- The IMYM model is being integrated in project-based learning throughout Grades 1 to Senior 4.
- Other grade 6 teachers have partnered with IMYM teachers to teach the interdisciplinary unit to all grade 6 students using the IMYM model.
2.4 Division/District Expansion of the IMYM Model
Three teachers reported expansion of the IMYM model within their school division/district. One school division provided the IMYM model to all grade 6 classrooms within the division. Seven teachers reported that there had been no expansion of the IMYM model within their school division/district and five teachers did not know if any expansion had occurred.