Research Results
Impact of the IMYM Project on Grade 6 Pilot Teachers: A Follow-up Report
September 2000
Prepared by Distance Learning and Information Technologies Unit, Program Development Branch, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
1.0 Background
During the 1996-97 school year, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning identified 26 pilot schools for Phase 2 of the Interdisciplinary Middle Years Multimedia (IMYM) Project. These grade 6 pilot teachers received professional development related to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) that supported the interdisciplinary unit Inventions, Innovations and Discoveries. Teachers piloted the interdisciplinary unit over the 1997-98 school year in order to explore issues involved in integrating Technology as a Foundation Skill area in an interdisciplinary context.
In the spring of the 1998-99 school year, the IMYM Project Team conducted a follow-up survey of these grade 6 pilot teachers (see the guiding questions in the Appendix). Sixteen of the IMYM6 pilot teachers answered questions concerning
- implementation factors
- impact of the IMYM model on instructional practice
- impact of the IMYM model on students
- feedback from parents
- sharing the IMYM model