French – English Program
(Basic French)
Early Start French
In Early Start French, students are exposed to French and its language patterns at an early age, discovering and exploring simple language structures required for purposeful communication. Their comprehension increases when linguistic structures, along with an array of visuals, are used and reused in a spontaneous and natural way within the context of a theme. Students are formally assessed on their oral communication skills (listening and speaking) only.
The Calendar

The calendar allows teachers to establish an important routine in the French classroom and to integrate other subject areas. It provides an opportunity to observe and engage students. It is also a time for students to feel more confident, show what they know and be leaders.
The Calendar 11 x 17 ( 489 KB)
The Larger Calendar – to be assembled ( 91 KB)
Calendar Dates ( 915 KB)
Calendar Components ( 2,3 MB)
Visuals for the Weather ( 812 KB)
A Spotlight on Pedagogy: Video Clips
The balanced literacy approach is introduced in Early Start French. This approach, modeled in the video clips, shows the teacher how to put this methodology into practice. These video clips also illustrate the importance of establishing routines and integrating strategies for success.
For more information, please see Curriculum Framework of Outcomes, Early Start French, Kindergarten to Grade 3