French – English Program
Support Documents
La Direction des ressources éducatives françaises (DREF) is Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning's French library. Please see this site for access to extensive resources for French (English Program).

Teaching Oral Communication: A Guide
This document is intended to provide a new focus for the teaching and learning of French in Manitoba with an emphasis on oral communication, in essence, the foundation for all learning of an additional language. Its goal is to illustrate student expectations for oral proficiency while guiding instructional and assessment practices for teachers. This document also outlines profiles for communication, themes, acts of communication, grammatical content, different learning situations and strategies to guide teachers to achieve the outcomes of the profiles.

Français de base de la 4e à la 10e année - En route vers le succès langagier, matériel d'appui (Draft)
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning has developed this support document to provide Basic French teachers with essential tools to guide student success in learning French. This document follows the recommendations of the Basic French curricula which is based on the communicative experiential approach toteaching a second language.

Chantons, bougeons, amusons-nous! : trousse d’exploitation de la chanson folklorique : matériel d’appui : Français de base de la 4e à la 8e année
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning has developed this support document in order to provide Grades 4 to 8 teachers with the essential tools to integrate music into the Basic French classroom by introducing ten traditional folk songs.

Français de base 4e à la 6e annèe - Tout le monde à table, matériel d’appui.
The purpose of this document is to offer a variety of tools that can be used to integrate the multilevel teaching philosophy into the Basic French classroom.