Reaching Out!
This part of the Belonging, Learning and Growing website features professional learning opportunities and supports related to diverse students, equity, and antiracism education.
UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) in Manitoba
What is the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network? (ASPnet)
Established by the United Nations in1953, the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) includes almost 7,800 member schools and institutions in 175 countries.
The ASPnet provides a forum for the promotion of UNESCO ideals as well as global citizenship, social justice, student leadership and provincial, national, and international networks. A publication created by the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCU), Key Words for Participating in the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network, provides a full description of the ASPnet. The document is available at the Canadian Commission for UNESCO: Associated Schools Project Network website.
MTS Community Service Grant
Manitoba Teachers’ Society offers a $1,000 Manitoba Teachers’ Society Community Service Grant (CSG) intended to members empower students to make change.
Each grant is approved funded by the Society and can be focused on racism, poverty, the environment, 2SLGBTQIA issues or a social justice issue of the educator’s choice. It can align well with youth in philanthropy, community and social activism student groups.