This section of the Belonging, Learning and Growing website contains Information on Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning policy, curriculum and support documents, and related resources.
An Action Plan for Ethnocultural Equity (For Consultation October 2003)

Diversity and Equity in Education: An Action Plan for Ethnocultural Equity
The Department has developed this consultation document to provide a basis for discussion on the Department's current and future directions concerning diversity and ethnocultural equity. This paper is composed of two parts: the first discusses some important concepts and provides other relevant information; the second proposes a multi-year action plan that would further ethnocultural equity in Manitoba.
Belonging, Learning, and Growing

Belonging, Learning, and Growing: Kindergarten to Grade 12 Action Plan for Ethnocultural Equity
This report summarizes the results of the consultation process, provides some information on diversity in schools, and presents the Department's Kindergarten to Grade 12 Action Plan for Ethnocultural Equity 2006-2008.
Grade 12 World of Religions: A Canadian Perspective

Grade 12 World of Religions: A Canadian Perspective
This document is an optional multidisciplinary humanities course which provides students with the opportunity to explore diversity of religions and religious perspectives within a Canadian and global context. The intent is to help students develop religious literacy and build interfaith and intercultural understanding.
BUDDHISM: A Supplemental Resource for Grade 12 World of Religions: A Canadian Perspective

BUDDHISM: A Supplemental Resource for Grade 12 World of Religions: A Canadian Perspective
Buddhism is a supplemental resource developed to support the implementation of the Grade 12 World of Religions: a Canadian Perspective (2021) course. The document provides information about the fundamental aspects of Buddhism, its historical development, diversity within the tradition and the Buddhist communities in Manitoba, Canada and the world. Educators teaching the course or about world religions or religious diversity will find it to be a valuable reference and resource for teaching about Buddhism.
HINDUISM: A Supplemental Resource for Grade 12 World of Religions: A Canadian Perspective

HINDUISM: A Supplemental Resource for Grade 12 World of Religions: A Canadian Perspective
Hinduism is a supplemental resource developed to support the implementation of the Grade 12 World of Religions: a Canadian Perspective (2019) course. The document provides information about the fundamental aspects of Hinduism, its historical development, diversity within the tradition and the Hindu communities in Manitoba, Canada and the world. Educators teaching the course or about world religions or religious diversity will find it to be a valuable reference and resource for teaching about Hinduism.
ISLAM: A Supplemental Resource for Grade 12 World of Religions: A Canadian Perspective

ISLAM: A Supplemental Resource for Grade 12 World of Religions: A Canadian Perspective
Islam is a supplemental resource developed to support the implementation of the Grade 12 World of Religions: a Canadian Perspective (2019) course. The document provides information about the fundamental aspects of Islam, its historical development, diversity within the tradition and the Islamic communities in Manitoba, Canada and the world. Educators teaching the course or about world religions or religious diversity will find it to be a valuable reference and resource for teaching about Islam.
JUDAISM: A Supplemental Resource for Grade 12 World of Religions: A Canadian Perspective

JUDAISM: A Supplemental Resource for Grade 12 World of Religions: A Canadian Perspective
Judaism is a supplemental resource developed to support the implementation of the Grade 12 World of Religions: a Canadian Perspective (2019) course. The document provides information about the fundamental aspects of Judaism, its historical development, diversity within the tradition and the Jewish communities in Manitoba, Canada and the world. Educators teaching the course or about world religions or religious diversity will find it to be a valuable reference and resource for teaching about Judaism.
Responding to Religious Diversity in Manitoba's Schools: A Guide for Educators (2018)

Responding to Religious Diversity in Manitoba's Schools: A Guide for Educators (2018)
This document is intended to serve as a resource for educators and schools seeking to respond to the needs of their religiously diverse students and community. The document provides a guide for welcoming religious diversity and providing accommodations in Manitoba schools.
Supporting Transgender and Gender Diverse Students in Manitoba Schools

Supporting Transgender and Gender Diverse Students
in Manitoba Schools
This resource provides guidelines for ensuring that schools are safe, respectful and equitable places for transgender and gender diverse students while supporting their individual process.
Q & A Supporting Transgender & Gender Diverse Students in MB
This document is a resource and tool for Manitoba school divisions and schools to develop their own policies, protocols, and/or guidelines related to supporting transgender and gender diverse students.
Building Hope: Refugee Learner Narratives (2015)

Both an interactive PDF version and a print PDF version of Building Hope: Refugee Learner Narratives (2015) are available. This document is intended to help strengthen the capacity of school communities at all levels (early, middle, and senior years) to provide an appropriate and supportive school environment for refugee and war-affected learners and their families. The core of the document is the stories or ‘learner narratives’ of eleven young Canadians of refugee or war-affected backgrounds who were interviewed about their experiences before coming to Canada and their immigration life since then, with emphasis on their education pathways.
Life After War: Education as a Healing Process for Refugee and War-Affected Children 2012
An interactive PDF version of Life After War: Education as a Healing Process for Refugee and War-Affected Children is now available. In addition to being redesigned as an interactive PDF, video resources for five of the chapters have been identified for introduction or discussion starter purposes.

Life After War: Education as a Healing Process for Refugee and War-Affected Children and the two companion documents Life After War: Professional Learning, Agencies, and Community Supports and War Affected Children: A Comprehensive Bibliography are web-based resources that are intended to help strengthen the capacity of school communities at all levels (early, middle, and senior years) to provide an appropriate and supportive school environment for refugee and war-affected learners and their families: an environment that will nurture their mental health and well-being, and that will enhance their educational and life outcomes.
Respect for Human Diversity Policies: A Support Document for Manitoba School Divisions and Funded Independent Schools in Developing Human Diversity Policies

Respect for Human Diversity Policies (Revised 2015)
The Public Schools Amendment Act (Safe and Inclusive Schools) made changes to the Act in the areas of bullying, cyberbullying, and respect for human diversity. The changes required school divisions and funded independent schools to have a written policy, or policies, concerning respect for human diversity in place by June 30, 2014
This support document was intended to provide information to assist school divisions and funded independent schools to comply with new legislation and to develop a respect for human diversity policy, or to revise existing policy, as a tool toward ensuring all Manitoba students experience safe and inclusive schools.