Framework for Learning


Framework for LEARNING

English Program

Engaging in Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Being, and Doing to Strengthen the Process of Truth and Reconciliation

Reflective Questions for Teachers

How do we create learning experiences and assessment practices that

  • nurture respectful relationships with learners, families, and communities to strengthen the process of Truth and Reconciliation by promoting Elder, Knowledge Keeper, community, and extended family involvement?
  • provide opportunities to take action to support local Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing within the classroom and the community (e.g., valuing community and interdependence; using storytelling; connecting learning to place and the land; multi-sensory learning; structuring learning holistically, experientially, and through modelling; incorporating ceremonies)?
  • ensure classes include resources, lessons, and experiences that authentically reflect Indigenous Peoples, cultures, and world views?
  • provide opportunities to incorporate local Indigenous languages into learning experiences in the classroom?
  • support learners in their metacognition and reflection on their own diverse ways of knowing, being, and doing?