Framework for Learning


Framework for LEARNING

English Program

Infusing Multiliteracies and Technologies through Diverse Pedagogical Approaches within and across Disciplines

Reflective Questions for Teachers

How do we create learning experiences and assessment practices that

  • reflect the ever-changing landscape of teaching and learning by adapting pedagogical approaches to strengthen instructional design and practice?
  • make connections (across disciplines, classrooms, and teachers) to provide interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary opportunities for learners?
  • model and use innovative thinking practices to build authenticity, deepen learning, increase engagement, and nurture curiosity?
  • include a selection of resources and technologies for different purposes and multiple modes?
  • create learning environments that invite learning through creative, experiential, active, and authentic ways?
  • ensure that assessment practices mirror/reflect classroom learning?
  • support the triangulation of evidence of learning (observations, conversations, products/performances) through learning experiences?