Framework for Learning


Framework for LEARNING

French Immersion Program

Value human diversity

Reflective Questions for Teachers

Do the learning environment and the learning and assessment experiences enable the learner to:

  • develop a sense of belonging?
  • feel secure?
  • be open to others?
  • respect different worldviews?
  • assert themselves and respect perspectives that are not their own?
  • share their differences?
  • be heard and listen to others?
  • feel respected, valued and welcomed, regardless of differences?
  • reflect on different ways of perceiving the world?
  • develop cultural intelligence?
  • interact with new people?
  • adapt to different situations?
  • empathize with others?
  • interact respectfully with others?
  • contribute to the development of their individual, collective and national identity as informed, committed and responsible citizens?
  • display their multilingualism with confidence and pride as an engaged citizen of the world?
  • take into account the close relationships that exist between languages, dialects and cultures, including French, English, Indigenous languages and other languages in their community?