Framework for Learning


Framework for LEARNING

French Immersion Program

Offers a climate of trust and respect

Reflective Questions for Teachers

Do learning and assessment experiences and the learning environment

  • make room for:
    • an inviting and welcoming environment that fosters a growth mindset?  
    • the development and application of the six global competencies?  
    • a variety of relevant and contextualized teaching approaches?  
    • a variety of relevant and contextualized learning and assessment strategies?
    • the mobilization and combination of a variety of resources (human, physical, material, technological, digital, media, etc.)? 
    • exploration of current questions or issues put forth by the learner? 
    • the co-construction, empowerment and affirmation of the learner? 
    • reflection and metacognition?  
    • transdisciplinarity and multiliteracy?
    • errors as part of the learning process?
    • learner empowerment and affirmation?
  • allow the learner to:
    • make authentic learning choices?
    • co-construct and give meaning to their learning?
    • co-construct the physical space, frames of reference, etc.?
    • celebrate success?
    • develop autonomy, take charge and assert themselves?
    • propose initiatives?
    • establish a positive relationship with others?
    • perceive the teacher as a cultural and language role model?