OVERVIEWGrade 5 children learn about many different topics. They work on skills to think about and communicate about what they are learning. The required subject areas are: Arts Education, English Language Arts, Mathematics, Physical Education/Health Education, Science, and Social Studies. Your child will have the chance to learn in many different ways - by themselves, with teachers and with other children. ARTS EDUCATION: Dance, Drama, Music, and Visual ArtsGrade 5 children learn ways to express themselves creatively and develop skills and language in one or more of the arts. They discover answers to the questions "who", "where", "when", and "why" about the arts. They think about the roles, the purposes, and the meanings of the arts in their own lives, in their communities, and around the world. Children learn to think critically and talk about their experiences with learning the arts. ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTSEnglish language arts learning develops over time and in different situations. Grade 5 is part of the grade band that begins in Grade 3 and ends in Grade 5. Grade 5 children use language to investigate topics, issues, and questions based on their interests and life experiences, literature, and other curriculum areas. They use words, pictures, and their own experiences to understand different kinds of texts such as art, books, objects, websites, the land, and oral stories. They talk with others to develop ideas, and use many strategies to think about and understand what they read, hear, and view. Children learn to create presentations that are clear and interesting for their listeners, readers, and viewers. They identify what they do well and areas they need to work on, and they set personal goals for learning. FRENCHPlease ask the teacher to find out if your child is learning French in Grade 5. French is not taught in all schools in Grade 5. Grade 5 children are beginning language learners who develop their ability to understand and to speak French. They learn to understand French when it is spoken slowly and clearly by their teacher and others. They also learn to use complete sentences and correct pronunciation to talk about themselves and what they like, want and need. Children learn to read and to write about the themes and topics they talk about with the teacher's help. MATHEMATICSGrade 5 students show and describe numbers up to 1 000 000. They use mental math, estimation and personal strategies to solve problems with whole numbers and decimals. They find ways to solve problems involving numbers, patterns, and data collection. They make connections between shapes and numbers and their everyday lives, such as writing the value of money using a decimal point. Grade 5 students investigate the likelihood of something happening as they learn about probability. PHYSICAL EDUCATION/HEALTH EDUCATIONGrade 5 children learn about the benefits of exercise for the heart and participate in activities to improve their fitness. Practicing movement skills help children increase their control during physical activities. They learn to participate safely in class activities and to recognize safety concerns in the community. Learning how to act responsibly, have positive relationships with others and how to resolve conflicts are some other areas of focus in Grade 5. SCIENCEGrade 5 children learn about keeping the human body healthy. They learn about substances and identify the three states of matter- solids, liquids and gases. They learn how simple machines in daily life are useful for moving and lifting loads. Grade 5 also provides students' first in-depth look at weather and climate, where they make direct observations and learn to interpret weather information from the media. ![]() |
Peoples and Stories of Canada to 1867
Grade 5 students learn about people and events before 1867 when Canada became a nation. They focus on First Peoples, French and British colonization of Canada, and the birth of Canada as a nation. Students study First Nations, cultures and governance, the fur trade, the rise of the Métis people and the interaction of cultures in early Canada. They also look at how history and geography have helped to shape Canada.