OVERVIEWGrade 6 children learn about many different topics. They work on thinking skills to interpret, compare and combine ideas and communicate about what they are learning. The required subject areas are: Arts Education, English Language Arts, Mathematics, Physical Education/Health Education, Science, and Social Studies. Your child will have the chance to learn in many different ways - by themselves, with teachers and with other children. ARTS EDUCATION: Dance, Drama, Music, and Visual ArtsGrade 6 children learn ways to express themselves creatively and develop skills and language in one or more of the arts. They discover answers to the questions “who”, “where”, “when”, and “why” about the arts. They think about the roles, the purposes, and the meanings of the arts in their own lives, in their communities, and around the world. Children learn to think critically and talk about their experiences with learning the arts. ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTSEnglish language arts learning develops over time and in different situations. Grade 6 is part of the grade band that begins in Grade 6 and ends in Grade 8. Grade 6 children use language to investigate topics, issues, and questions based on their interests and life experiences, literature, and other curriculum areas. They use words, pictures, and their own experiences to understand different kinds of texts such as art, books, objects, websites, the land, and oral stories. They talk with others to develop clear points of view and use many strategies to understand what they read, hear, and view. They evaluate their own and others’ points of view to understand issues and conflicts. They think about their language learning, and identify what they do well and where they need to improve, and then take steps to work on those areas. FRENCHPlease ask the teacher to find out if your child is learning French in Grade 6. French is not taught in all schools in Grade 6. Grade 6 children are beginning language learners who develop their ability to understand and to speak French. They learn to understand French when it is spoken slowly and clearly by their teacher and others. They also learn to use complete sentences and correct pronunciation to talk about themselves and what they like, want and need. Children learn to read and to write about the themes and topics they talk about with the teacher’s help. MATHEMATICSGrade 6 students use mental math, estimation, personal strategies and algorithms to multiply, divide and solve problems with numbers greater than a million and decimals to one thousandth. They learn the order of operations and describe how decimals, fractions, ratios and percents are related. They learn how to show number patterns using variables, tables and graphs. They also learn to draw and identify angles and triangles and figure out ways to find area. PHYSICAL EDUCATION/HEALTH EDUCATIONGrade 6 children learn how to warm up properly and participate in activities to improve their fitness. Participating in various sports, games and other physical activities give children the opportunity to practice movement skills and learn strategies to improve their performance. They learn more about safety during physical activities and learn some basic first aid. Working on personal health goals and making good decisions about physical activity and eating habits are other areas of focus in Grade 6. SCIENCEGrade 6 children develop an appreciation of the diversity of life on Earth. They learn why it is possible to fly. An investigation of electricity includes discussing where electricity comes from and the importance of energy conservation. Children learn about Earth’s place in the solar system and space research programs. ![]() |
Canada: A Country of Change (1867 to Present)
Grade 6 students learn about Canadian history from Confederation to the present. This includes the expansion of Canada, immigration, industrialization, the environment, and the changing relationships between the government and First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples. Students examine world events including the Depression and Canadian involvement in the two world wars. They explore Canadian identity and the growth of Canada as a culturally diverse, bilingual, and democratic society. They study questions related to the responsibilities and rights of citizenship in Canada and the contemporary world.