Welcome to the Middle Years Education website.
In Manitoba, the term Middle Years is defined as the education provided for young adolescents from ages 10 to 14, usually in Grades 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Middle Years education in Manitoba is undergoing an exciting transformation in programming and practice. Learning, teaching, and assessment in the Middle Years are becoming more closely aligned with the unique developmental and learning needs of young adolescents.
The Middle Years Education website offers educators and parents insights and resources to improve young adolescents’ commitment to school and learning through increased student engagement. Print and online resources are available to help guide and support educators in providing and assessing learning opportunities that improve student learning and engagement in the Middle Years. Communities and educational partners also offer significant support to Middle Years learners and schools.
The Middle Years initiative is supported by the following resources:
- Engaging Middle Years Students in Learning: Transforming Middle Years Education in Manitoba
- Five Key Actions to Improve Student Engagement
in the Middle Years (Poster) - Middle Years Education in Manitoba: Grades 5 to 8 Students at the Centre (Brochure)
- Middle Years Education in Manitoba: Grades 5 to 8 Improving Student Engagement (Bookmark)

These resources provide a deeper understanding of young adolescents and the five key actions to improve student engagement in the Middle Years.