MY CHILD IN SCHOOL – Informed Parent, Involved Parent


What your child is learning

Grade 9 Science prepares all students to continue their study of science in the following high school years. All students will benefit from a general understanding of science for their personal lives and future plans, regardless of their career and/or post-secondary educational choices. Some of these students will need in-depth studies in science for their post-secondary program and therefore will eventually take specific Grades 11 and 12 science courses, such as Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

The topic areas studied in this Grade 9 course are:

  • Reproduction
  • Atoms and Elements
  • Nature of Electricity
  • Exploring the Universe

Through their studies of these topic areas, students develop skills, attitudes and understanding about the nature of science. For example, they learn to:

  • plan and conduct experiments,
  • make science-related decisions based on evidence,
  • recognize that scientific knowledge has changed,
  • recognize the importance of balancing the needs of humans and protecting the environment.

For further information, speak to your child’s teacher or refer to the Science curriculum documents.

How your child is assessed

Your child’s learning is assessed based on the topics listed under What My Child is Learning and on the science inquiry and decision-making processes related to Science, Technology, Society and Environment (STSE) issues. Assessment will take place throughout the course. Observation, projects, science experiments, and tests are some of the ways that the teacher may assess your child’s learning. Often, assessment in science courses includes a final exam prepared by the teacher, the school or the school division. The length, value and format of these exams may vary from school to school.

Supplementary Information

All students must take Grades 9 and 10 Science, but they are not required to take science in Grades 11 and 12.