Professional Certification

School Clinician Certification Application Process

You must take the following steps to complete the application process.


Please do not contact the Professional Certification Unit (PCU) to inquire about the status of your application until you receive a notification from PCU. This email will include a list of any documents that are missing from your application.

A certification application will remain open for twelve months from the date it is first received. If all documentation required from the applicant is not provided within twelve months, the application will be closed. There will be no refund of the application fee in this circumstance.

Step 1: Required Documents

All documents listed below are required. Costs associated with acquiring documents will be at the applicant’s expense.


Your required documents must be in English or French. If your required documents are not in English or French, original notarized translations are required. See Translation of Documents/Notarized Translations for more information.

NOTE: Please retain a copy of any original documents before submitting the original as all required documents are part of the application and will remain on file at the Professional Certification Unit. They will not be returned to the applicant or forwarded to employers.


  • An original current background check that consists of:
    1. A Criminal Record Check including a Vulnerable Sector Search
      • Checks may be completed at your local Law Enforcement Agency in Canada.
      • Checks that are issued in an electronic format (such as results from the Winnipeg City Police), must be forwarded to with the original results email and ALL required security information so that the Professional Certification Unit can access the check.
    2. Manitoba Child Abuse Registry Check
      • Information and application form are available online.
    • NOTE: All background checks must be dated within 6 months of the date the Professional Certification Unit received the application and include all current and past full legal names that match your proof of identification documents. These checks become part of your file and are not returned.
  • A photocopy of your Birth Certificate.
  • A photocopy of Proof of Canadian Citizenship, Landed Immigrant Status or Valid Work Visa (If you were born in Canada your Birth Certificate is your proof of citizenship.)
  • A photocopy of a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or official name change document (if applicable).
  • Provide a photocopy of your valid association membership card if you are a(n):
    • Audiology & Speech Language Pathologist
    • Occupational Therapist
    • Physiotherapist
    • Social Worker
  • Confidential report submitted DIRECTLY to the Professional Certification Unit by mail or fax from your last employer or supervising authority. This report should be written in letter format, should speak to your working habits and whether the author would or wouldn’t recommend you for employment. If no employment experience has been gained, the document must be submitted by the person who supervised your clinical studies in your degree program. The confidential report must be physically signed by the author.

  • Effective November 12, 2024, all applicants for teaching and clinician certificates will be required to complete an approved sexual abuse prevention program in order to be eligible for certification.

    If you haven’t already completed one, a photocopy of a certificate of completion from one of the approved sexual abuse prevention programs:


Post-Secondary Education Completed in Canada or the United States of America

An OFFICIAL transcript(s) mailed DIRECTLY to the Professional Certification Unit from each university where a degree or coursework was completed including all transfer credits.

Quebec Applicants:

  • An OFFICIAL transcript mailed DIRECTLY from the CEGEP to the Professional Certification Unit of the Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC).
  • A photocopy of the Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC).
  • If applicable an OFFICIAL transcript mailed DIRECTLY from the Ministère de l’Éducation to the Professional Certification Unit of the Diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP).
  • A photocopy of the Diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP).
Post-Secondary Education Completed Outside of Canada or the United States of America

All Post-Secondary education completed outside of Canada or the United States of America requires an ICAP course-by-course evaluation by the World Education Services (WES). This course-by-course evaluation must be mailed DIRECTLY to the Professional Certification Unit from WES. There is a fee payable to WES for this service.

Please refer to Post-Secondary Education Completed Outside of Canada or the United States of America for more information.


The Professional Certification Unit uses the WES course-by-course evaluation report as a tool for evaluation purposes, however approved credentials/course work remains at the discretion of the Professional Certification Unit. The Professional Certification Unit reserves the right to request further documentation, if required.

Employer Verification of Clinician Experience

  • The Professional Certification Unit (PCU) can complete your evaluation of your academic credentials without your clinician experience.
  • For clinician experience to be evaluated for recognition in Manitoba your current/past employers must complete the Employer Verification Clinician of Experience Form ( 291 KB) and mail the form DIRECTLY to the Professional Certification Unit.
  • Manitoba employers may use the accumulated years of clinician experience for salary purposes.

Step 2: Application Fee

The application fee, payable in Canadian Funds (CAD) is

  • $100.00 CAD for School Clinicians with educational qualifications from an approved Manitoba University
  • $150.00 CAD for School Clinicians with educational qualifications from a Canadian jurisdiction other than Manitoba
  • $200.00 CAD for Internationally Educated School Clinicians

Payment may be made by cheque, money order, Visa or Mastercard.

The application fee must be enclosed with the completed and signed School Clinician Certification Application Form.

Methods of Payment:

  • Cheque* – payable to the Minister of Finance
  • Money order – payable to the Minister of Finance
  • Visa or Mastercard – complete section I (Visa or Mastercard Service Request) of the Teacher Certification Application Form

All cheques that are dishonoured by the applicant's financial institution will be assessed a charge-back fee of $20.00 CAD.

Step 3: Application Form


  1. Complete the School Clinician Application Form ( 498 KB).
  2. Print the School Clinician Application Form.
  3. Initial the Declaration Question Sections and sign the School Clinician Form.


Complete ALL the declaration questions in Section G. Declaration within the application. For every time you answer "Yes", please provide a complete explanation that includes the full identification of the registration/licencing authority/organization concerned. Provide this information on a separate page.

Incomplete applications will delay the application process.

Step 4: Delivery

Mail the completed, signed School Clinician Application Form, required documents and application fee to:

Professional Certification Unit
P.O. Box 700
402 Main Street N.
Russell, MB R0J 1W0

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