Schools in Manitoba
For information on teaching and learning resources, high school options, and student resource considerations as well as information on homeschooling support organizations in Manitoba, please contact the Homeschooling Office.
My Child in School
This website is a resource for parents that provides an overview of the concepts covered in various subject areas throughout Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Curriculum Essentials
These are resources designed to provide a "quick start" to the Manitoba curriculum for Mathematics, Science and Social Studies in Grades 1 to 8.
Manitoba Curriculum
This website contains links to Manitoba curriculum and support documents for teachers.
Online Resources for Manitoba Educators
Notified homeschooling families may access the online collection: eBooks, Audio books, eJournals and other online resources.
My Learning at Home
This collection of online resources supports and encourages family-centred learning.
French Support Services
The Direction des ressources éducatives françaises (DREF) offers French programming and resources. Visit the DREF website for more information and library hours.
Computers for Schools
Notified homeschools in Manitoba are eligible to receive free or low-cost refurbished equipment, including desktop and laptop computers and printers. For more information, or to order equipment, please visit the website.