A country road with a wire fence surrounded by trees and bush-land

Non-Funded Independent Schools

Starting a Non-funded Independent School

A non-funded independent school may offer programming to school-age students. Eligible students include children turning six years of age by the end of December to age 18 (Grades 1–12). Non-funded independent schools may offer kindergarten programming for age 5 students. International students unaccompanied by parents are not eligible to enrol in a non-funded independent school.

To start a non-funded independent school in Manitoba the following must be met and/or submitted to the Independent and International Education Unit (IIEU):

  • school facility must be suitable for the programming being offered and inspected for approval by the IIEU;
  • appropriate occupancy permit granted by the local municipality;
  • current fire safety inspection report (less than 3 years old) provided with any deficiencies corrected and documented;
  • curricular programming offered must meet equivalency (reviewed and approved by the IIEU) to that of a public school and include English or French language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education/health education, arts education, and, where applicable, high school electives such as additional languages, computer applications, and career development;
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) installed;
  • new school information form completed and submitted to the IIEU;
  • retain original documents on-site subject to inspection upon request.

To operate a school in Manitoba the school must be assigned a school code by Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning.

In addition to the requirements listed above it is recommended that a comprehensive financial plan is developed to ensure the school can meet its financial obligations for teacher salaries, learning resources, and capital costs.

Prior to starting an independent school, contact the Independent and International Education Unit to request detailed information regarding the relevant requirements and processes. To arrange to speak with a Liaison Officer please call 204-945-7948 or email independentschools@gov.mb.ca.