Literacy with ICT for Parents
This website provides you with information about new ways your child is learning in today’s classroom.

Children today live and learn in a world that is different from the world in which we grew up. Information grows so quickly that the amount of information in the world is said to double every two years. At this rate, textbooks, maps, encyclopedias and most printed material can be outdated by the time they reach our children’s hands.
At the same time, today’s students communicate using technology like websites and applications, texting, photo and video sharing, chat board/wall, email, blogs and games.
Even the meaning of literacy has changed. Literacy is not only about reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing. It is also about developing literacy with information and communication technology (ICT). Our children face an exciting but challenging future. How do we prepare them to succeed in a world that changes so quickly?

Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning has created a developmental continuum called Literacy with Information and Communication Technology Across the Curriculum, along with Health and Safety Guidelines and Ethics and Responsibilities Guidelines, to set a path for teachers and students to follow.
Inside this section of the LwICT website, you will see what Literacy with ICT might look like in your child’s classroom. You will also discover ways that you, as a parent or guardian, can support your child’s use of ICT at home in safe and responsible ways. By working together, we can all help prepare our children for the world in which they live.