Background and History
Background and History
Technology as a Foundation Skill
In 1995, to prepare students to become citizens of the global community, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning identified technology, literacy and communication, problem solving, and human relations as foundation skills to be developed across the curriculum from Kindergarten to Grade 12 (see Manitoba Education and Training, A Foundation for Excellence, 1995). Although students in the past have focused on developing literacy skills such as reading, writing, and numeracy, 21st-century students must develop multiple literacies that will allow them to respond to changing ideas, attitudes, and technologies as their communities and their world evolve. In 1998, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning published Technology As a Foundation Skill Area: A Journey toward Information Technology Literacy. This document stated the following vision for Manitoba:
“The use of information technology will help enable all students to solve problems, improve their personal performance, and gain the critical and abstract thinking skills necessary to become lifelong learners and contributing members of their communities.”
Literacy with Information and Communication Technology
In November 2002, the Government of Manitoba, in the Throne Speech, committed the Department of Education to “increasing the computer literacy skills of Manitoba Students.”
Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum builds on the framework of Technology As a Foundation Skill Area: A Journey toward Information Technology Literacy. It incorporates promising practices from the current work of
- K-8 classroom teachers
- Manitoba school divisions and schools
- Manitoba Education
- educational researchers
Who was involved in the development, action research and implementation of Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum?
- A project team, composed of staff from Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning, designed the initiative and guided the development and action research process
- A development team , composed of 16 educators with regional and grade level, representation developed the continuum
- An action research/divisional implementation team from every Manitoba school division, participated in action research starting in 2005-06 and supported implementation in their school division.
Refresh of Literacy with Information and Communication Technology
In the Fall of 2013, Manitoba Education began the refresh of the Literacy with ICT Developmental Continuum. One of the lens of the refresh was to include a Senior Years focus and move from a K – 8 initiative to a more inclusive K – 12 initiative. The continuum was taken apart, analyzed and put back together again with new and refreshed perspectives. It was also then piloted during the 2015-16 school year by a variety of Manitoba Educators.
The updated version of the continuum incorporates the promising practices from the current work of
- K – 12 classroom teachers
- K – 12 school administrators
- Manitoba schools and school divisions
- Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
- Educational researchers
Who was involved in the refresh of Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum?
- A project team, composed of Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning staff, who guided the refresh and piloting phases.
- A refresh team, composed of educators with regional and grade level representation, who worked on refreshing the continuum.
- A pilot team, composed of K – 12 educators, who shared the refreshed continuum with their students, used it as a planning and assessment tool and to begin professional development conversations with their colleagues.