The panoramic photographs of Manitoba landscapes in the website banners are used with the kind permission of © Stan Milosevic.

The “landscape” images and metaphor illustrated in the website banners represent current understandings about curriculum presented in the “Guiding Principles for WNCP Curriculum Framework Projects” (Western and Northern Canadian Protocol, 2011).

New ways of thinking about curriculum involve a “shift in the images we use, away from knowledge pictured as fragmented pieces put together, one piece at a time, in a linear fashion on an assembly line, to an image of knowledge as a complex organic network organized into living fields, territories or 'landscapes'. Learning about these living fields of knowledge requires: 'learning the landscape'.”

About the banner


The Nature of the Drama Discipline

Drama enriches a vibrant culture and is integral to human life. Drama has the power to illuminate, deepen, and broaden human experience. No culture, whether past or present, has existed without dramatic stories being told, re-enacted, improvised, written, or performed. drama invites people to participate as viewers and players in telling their stories. Through dramatic experiences, people learn about themselves individually and as a collective, about their past, present, and future, their tensions, and their differences and connections. When people play together in the dramatic story, they empathize, laugh, and cry with each other, learn more about one another, and are sometimes motivated to make a difference in the world.

Drama is a multimodal, cross-cultural literacy and expressive art form. the ways of knowing through drama include cognitive, physical, affective, intuitive, and spiritual modes. Drama embodies and expresses ideas, feelings, and meaning. it communicates within and across cultural, societal, and historical contexts.