The panoramic photographs of Manitoba landscapes in the website banners are used with the kind permission of © Stan Milosevic.

The “landscape” images and metaphor illustrated in the website banners represent current understandings about curriculum presented in the “Guiding Principles for WNCP Curriculum Framework Projects” (Western and Northern Canadian Protocol, 2011).

New ways of thinking about curriculum involve a “shift in the images we use, away from knowledge pictured as fragmented pieces put together, one piece at a time, in a linear fashion on an assembly line, to an image of knowledge as a complex organic network organized into living fields, territories or 'landscapes'. Learning about these living fields of knowledge requires: 'learning the landscape'.”

About the banner

Dramatic Arts

Kindergarten to Grade 8

Manitoba Curriculum Framework, 2nd edition

The dramatic arts education framework provides the basis for learning, teaching and assessment of drama from Kindergarten to Grade 8 in Manitoba schools. The document identifies the recursive learnings for the drama discipline and forms the basis for the development of curriculum implementation resources. It is intended to assist teachers and administrators with drama curriculum implementation and with planning professional learning.

The dramatic arts framework document provides background information and implementation guidelines pertaining to the discipline of dramatic arts. It presents an overview of the framework, outlines the document components and organization, and identifies the learning areas and the enacted learnings for dramatic arts education from Kindergarten to Grade 8 in Manitoba. An appendix, glossary, and bibliography are also included.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why a 2nd edition?

The first edition of the Kindergarten to Grade 8 Arts Education Frameworks was published in 2011 and the Grade 9 to Grade 12 Arts Education Frameworks in 2015. In order to bring more coherence between all levels, a 2nd edition of the K-8 frameworks is being published to align with the Grade 9 to 12 frameworks.

What are the changes?
  • The titles of the framework components: Learning Areas, Recursive Learnings and Enacted Learnings replace the Essential Learning Areas, GLO’s and SLO’s.
  • The Learning Areas Titles:
    • MAKING replaces Dance Language and Performance Skills
    • CREATE replaces Creative Expression in Dance
    • CONNECTING replaces Understanding Dance in Context
    • RESPONDING replaces Valuing Dance Experience
  • A consolidation of the Valuing wing for all artistic disciplines: following the report cards, two of the four GLO’s in this component had been relegated to another part of the report card. The Responding wing is now made up of four learnings based on the same critical reflection process as the Grade 9 to 12 frameworks.
    • The learner generates initial reactions to dance experiences.
    • The learner observes and describes dance experiences.
    • The learner analyzes and interprets dance experiences.
    • The learner constructs meaning and applies new understandings from dance experiences.
  • The term Students in the plural form has been replaced by the term Learner in the singular form in order to further personalize learning.
  • The term Drama has been replaced by the term Dramatic Arts to align the Grade 9 to 12 frameworks.