The panoramic photographs of Manitoba landscapes in the website banners are used with the kind permission of © Stan Milosevic.

The “landscape” images and metaphor illustrated in the website banners represent current understandings about curriculum presented in the “Guiding Principles for WNCP Curriculum Framework Projects” (Western and Northern Canadian Protocol, 2011).

New ways of thinking about curriculum involve a “shift in the images we use, away from knowledge pictured as fragmented pieces put together, one piece at a time, in a linear fashion on an assembly line, to an image of knowledge as a complex organic network organized into living fields, territories or 'landscapes'. Learning about these living fields of knowledge requires: 'learning the landscape'.”

About the banner


Music Month

Celebrating Music in Manitoba Schools

Music surrounds our daily activities from infancy to adulthood, and contributes to our lives on personal, social, and creative levels.

While music is an important part of the Manitoba school curriculum throughout the year, its role in education is highlighted during Music Month.

For more information, visit the Manitoba Music Educators' Association website.

Celebrating Music in Manitoba Schools Month Posters 2005 to 2019

Collage of posters from 2005 to 2019
2005 Poster
2006 Poster
2007 Poster
2008 Poster
2009 Poster
2010 Poster
2011 Poster
2012 Poster
2013 Poster
2014 Poster
2015 Poster
2016 Poster
2017 Poster
2018 Poster
2019 Poster