Dramatic Arts
Grades 9 to 12
Manitoba Curriculum Framework

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- Grades 9 to 12 Dramatic Arts Curriculum Framework Overview (YouTube)
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- Frequently Asked Questions: Grades 9 to 12 Dramatic Arts
The Grades 9 to 12 Dramatic Arts Framework addresses the purpose, nature, and importance of quality dramatic arts education from Grades 9 to 12. The framework explains the use of the butterfuly as a metaphor for learning within the learning landscape of dramatic arts, and for representing the interconnected parts of the curriculum.
The Dramatic Arts Curriculum Framework consists of four essential learning areas which are elaborated by 13 recursive learnings and realized through enacted learnings. Ideas for inquiry questions are included to support the enacted learnings by providing teachers and learners with possible entry points and pathways into the study of the dramatic arts.
A Conceptual Framework for Learning Growth in Dramatic Arts Education is provided as support for using the framework to design dramatic arts courses, plan for and assess learning in dramatic arts education, and to distinguish course credits for each grade. The Conceptual Framework is based on the 13 recursive dramatic arts learnings and is located as an Appendix in the Dramatic Arts Curriculum Framework. Further appendices, a glossary, and bibliography provide additional support for the dramatic arts education learnings.
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