Framework for Learning


Framework for Learning

Manitoba's Global Competencies

Dimensions of Citizenship

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  • Explore a variety of topics and issues.
    • Learners develop, understand, and reflect on their own perspective in complex issues.
    • Learners recognize discrimination, principles of equity, and human rights in their world.
    • Learners explore the interconnectedness of self, others, and the natural world.
  • Consider diverse perspectives to interact effectively with others.
    • Learners seek out diverse viewpoints, experiences, and world views.
    • Learners reflect on/empathize with perspectives that do not align with their own.
    • Learners connect with others in responsible, respectful, and inclusive ways, both in person and in digital contexts.
  • Take action for well-being of self, others, and the natural world.
    • Learners realize their potential in contributing to the betterment of community near and far.
    • Learners work to find equitable solutions to support diversity, inclusivity, and human rights.
    • Learners make ethical choices to promote healthy and sustainable outcomes for the natural world.
a person in front of a globe

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