Framework for Learning


Framework for Learning

Manitoba's Global Competencies

Connection to Self

Connection to Self involves awareness of the related nature of emotional, intellectual, physical, social, cultural, and spiritual aspects of living and learning, and the responsibility for personal growth, well-being, and well-becoming.

The competency of Connection to Self facilitates the development of reflection, regulation, advocacy, and management, which empower one to act with mindfulness and intention. The learner will come to know their gifts, strengths, culture, and history. They will build initiative, perseverance, flexibility, and manage failure and success as part of the learning process.

Connection to Self is fundamental to knowing oneself, and one’s relationship to others and the natural world, as well as developing hope, resilience, self-respect, and confidence. It is recognizing ones' own role in learning, happiness, and well-being.

a person in front of a fingerprint

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