Framework for Learning


Framework for Learning

Manitoba's Global Competencies

Dimensions of Critical Thinking

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  • Acquire and interpret information from a variety of relevant and reliable sources to become well informed.
    • Learners find, use, and reflect on diverse sources strategically, efficiently, and effectively.
    • Learners evaluate the sources of their and others’ perspectives for bias, reliability, and relevance.
  • Analyze, synthesize, and consider one’s own thinking and that of others in various contexts.
    • Learners connect ideas, patterns, and relationships, using criteria and evidence.
    • Learners understand how perspectives are rooted in certain contexts.
    • Learners demonstrate flexibility to reconsider their thinking.
  • Use various types of evidence, reasoning, and strategies to work toward a reasoned judgment or ethical decision.
    • Learners ask relevant and clarifying questions to further learning.
    • Learners develop informed opinions and make judgments, based on observation, experience, and evidence.
    • Learners weigh criteria to make ethical decisions.
a person in front of a magnifying glass

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