Framework for Learning


Framework for LEARNING

English Program

Mathematics - Curriculum Implementation Resources

Grade 10

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Curriculum Framework of Outcome

Grade 9 to 12 Mathematics: Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes (2014)
This resource provides a common base for Grades 9 to 12 mathematics education, clearly communicating high expectations for math learners and supporting the development of common learning resources.

Mental Math

Mental Math: Grade 10 Essential Mathematics (2015)
This document is a complement to the Grade 10 Essential Mathematics curriculum and is intended to help students develop strategies that allow them to perform mental calculations.

Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematic

Grade 10 Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics: Solidifying Prior Learning (2020)
This resource complements the Grade 10 Essential Mathematics curriculum and supports learners in developing strategies that allow them to perform mental calculations.


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