Framework for Learning


Framework for LEARNING

English Program

Mathematics - Curriculum Implementation Resources

Grade 8

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Curriculum Framework of Outcome

Kindergarten to Grade 8 Mathematics: Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes (2013)
This resource provides a common base for Kindergarten to Grade 8 mathematics education, clearly communicating high expectations for math learners and supporting the development of common learning resources.

Specific Learning Outcomes

Mathematics Specific Learning Outcomes Grade 8 (Adobe PDF Document 523 KB)
This chart provides a complete list of the specific learning outcomes for each strand of the Grade 8 Mathematics curriculum (i.e., number, patterns and relations, shape and space, statistics and probability).

Mental Math

Mental Math: Grade 8 Mathematics (2017)
This resource complements the Grade 8 Mathematics curriculum to support learners in developing strategies for performing mental calculations and estimations.

Support Document for Teachers

Grade 8 Mathematics: Support Document for Teachers (2014)
This resource provides instructional activities, assessment strategies, and learning resources that promote meaningful engagement in mathematics and are intended to assist educators as they support learners in achieving the Kindergarten to Grade 8 mathematics learning outcomes.

Kindergarten to Grade 8 Mathematics Glossary

Kindergarten to Grade 8 Mathematics Glossary: Support Document for Teachers (2009)
This glossary includes mathematical terms used in Kindergarten to Grade 8 Mathematics: Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes.

Glance Across the Grades

Glance Across the Grades: Kindergarten to Grade 9 Mathematics (2016)
This resource provides a compilation of learning outcomes, categorized into suggested learning targets for educators to use in their planning.

Grade 8 Mathematics at a Glance (2016) (Adobe PDF Document493 KB)
This resource provides a preview of the Grade 8 Mathematics curriculum content and is categorized into suggested learning targets for educators to use in their planning.

Activities and Games

Middle Years Activities and Games
Activities and games are available for use in the classroom.


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