Framework for Learning


Framework for LEARNING

French Immersion Program

Are learner-centred

Learner-centred learning and assessment experiences at school:

  • take into account the learner’s internal resources (talents, gifts, interests, knowledge, experiences, etc.) and external resources (mentors, support persons, resources, etc.);
  • value their way of being and thinking;
  • respect their diverse ways of learning, demonstrating learning and communicating;
  • contributes to the positive development of the learner’s relationship with language and to their social, emotional, physical, personal, and spiritual growth.

When learners are respected and recognized for who they are, for their creations and for their contributions, they feel more able to engage in learning and develop a sense of belonging to their learning community.

It is therefore important that learning and assessment situations are learner-centred, so that learners can develop to their full potential throughout their lives.