Framework for Learning


Framework for LEARNING

French Immersion Program

Are learner-centred

Reflective Questions for Teachers

Do learning and assessment situations:

  • value:
    • the learner’s potential, unique contribution and voice?
    • differentiation and universal design?
    • metacognition and reflection?
    • assessment “for learning”, “as learning” and “of learning”?
    • the triangulation of the evidence of learning (observations, conversations and products)?
  • take into account the learner’s:
    • interests?
    • emotions and feelings?
    • well-being?
    • prior knowledge and experience?
    • zone of proximal development?
  • enable the learner to:
    • set learning goals?
    • co-construct success criteria with peers and the teacher?
    • establish a positive relationship with stakeholders?
    • make connections with other areas of learning?
    • learn and communicate multimodally?
    • be exposed to and mobilize Francophone cultural products?
    • collaborate, produce and create in French?
    • recognize and celebrate progress?