Assessment Is Triangular
The Developmental Continuum for Literacy with ICT functions as both a planning tool and as assessment FOR/ AS learning. By observing learners as they engage in inquiry using ICT, teachers determine which behaviours students have demonstrated and those they are still working towards. This information helps teachers plan for instruction as it indicates the nature of the learning contexts that will further develop student literacy with ICT (assessment FOR learning). There are three components in assessing student literacy with ICT: observations, portfolios, and conversations.
Throughout the school year, in curricular context, teachers use the inquiry process to focus their instruction on one or more of the Big Ideas of the continuum. They focus their observations of student learning on their targeted Big Ideas to determine which descriptors most accurately describe the learning of a particular student. Then, they involve students in the assessment by collaborating with them in the creation of a profile using the student-friendly version of the continuum. This profile helps teachers and students set goals for further learning.
As they learn, students use portfolios to accumulate evidence of their literacy with ICT. These portfolios may be process or product portfolios, or a combination of the two. They may be paper-based or electronic. First, students and teachers decide on the type of portfolio they will create to demonstrate evidence of their learning; then, they engage in an ongoing process of collection, selection, reflection, evaluation, and celebration. Artifacts selected for a portfolio may contain text, audio, video, data, and graphics, and each artifact is accompanied by a self-reflection about what it illustrates about the student's learning.
Assessing student literacy with ICT involves conversations about learning destinations, criteria, descriptive feedback, and goal setting. These conversations may be self-reflective, shared between peers, shared between teacher and student, or they may be three-way student-led conferences involving parents. This last type of conversation is an integral part of communicating with parents about their child’s literacy with ICT.