Background and History
Each jurisdiction in Manitoba implemented Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum over a three year period, beginning in 2006–07 as they continued the action research already undertaken by each school division in 2005–06.
Year | Implementation | Reporting to Parents |
2006-07 | selected K–8 classrooms | pilot reporting model in selected classrooms |
2007-08 | selected K–8 classrooms | begin reporting in selected classrooms |
2008-09 | all K–8 classrooms | reporting at Grades 2, 4, 6 and 8, one time per year * |
*Note: Minimum requirements as set out by the Department. Most Schools/School divisions chose to report more frequently during the year and/or to report at grades other than those specified above.
The policy for the implementation of Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum was developed through consultation with each Manitoba school division during the action research. Its implementation provided consistent expectations for all K–8 students developing their literacy with ICT and it sets out a framework for Manitoba schools to inform parents of their child’s progress with respect to the Developmental Continuum for Literacy with ICT.
Policy of Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
Manitoba schools were required to implement Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum for students in Grades K–8 beginning in the 2006–2007 school year, with full implementation to be completed by the end of 2008–2009.
Schools were expected to report to parents of K–8 students within their existing reporting structure. Reporting on the progress of each student’s literacy with ICT along the developmental continuum was based on the following framework:
- reporting on three competencies of Literacy with ICT
- demonstrates critical thinking with ICT to plan and gather information
- demonstrates creative thinking with ICT to produce and communicate information
- demonstrates responsibility and ethics with ICT - providing evidence of and opportunities to discuss student literacy with ICT at parent/teacher/student conferences. These discussions can be facilitated by
- the use of portfolios, including ePortfolios, to display student work
- the creation of individual student profiles based on the Developmental Continuum for Literacy with ICT
Schools/divisions began reporting in 2006–2007 by piloting their own reporting process locally. In 2007–2008, each school/division continued using its piloted process and, by 2008–2009, the process was fully implemented.
Division/School Responsibility
Each school division and funded independent school developed a three-year plan to implement Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum and to incorporate it into their school plans in a manner that reflected the needs of their community and the culture of their school division/school. Starting in 2006-2007 and continuing over the three-year implementation, Distance Learning and Information Technologies Unit staff from Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning consulted with each jurisdiction regarding their implementation plans. It held institutes for divisional team members to bring them up to date on issues related to implementation and to allow them to network with other divisional teams about successes, concerns and suggestions for implementation, including assessment and staff professional learning.
Divisional Implementation Team Responsibility
The implementation process was facilitated by members of the action research teams, who developed valuable expertise related to implementing Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum and who agreed to provide professional learning and mentoring on Literacy with ICT to other educators in their jurisdictions. Members of the action research teams include Early Years teachers, Middle Years teachers, school leaders and ICT and curriculum consultants.
Teacher Responsibility
All K–8 classroom teachers were responsible for the development, assessment and reporting of student literacy with ICT across the curriculum. Keeping in mind the “Gradual Release of Responsibility” Model of Explicit Instruction, teachers shared responsibility with students as appropriate. Other members of the learning community, such as resource teachers, teacher-librarians, teacher mentors were involved as required.
Department Responsibility
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning supported the Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum initiative by providing the following resources for implementation:
- a definition of literacy with ICT
- a developmental continuum of descriptors illustrating how students extend their critical and creative thinking with ICT in a responsible and ethical manner
- a handbook, entitled A Continuum Model for Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum, with an overview of the model
- age-appropriate “snapshots” that show how emerging, developing, transitioning and expanding learners demonstrate their literacy with ICT
- assessment and reporting guidelines for Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
- sample reporting models
- age-appropriate student-friendly versions of the continuum to enable students to become involved in their own assessment
- a parent information booklet outlining what it means to be literate with ICT, how children develop their literacy with ICT in Manitoba schools, and how parents can support their children
- a website including resources such as sample learning experiences, student exemplars, background information for teachers and implementation FAQs
Further, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning supported action research on LwICT by providing, over three years, six days of “coach the mentors” professional learning and planning sessions for divisional implementation teams in each Manitoba school division. Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning also provided the following support for implementation:
- customized three-year phase-in plans for implementation in each Manitoba school division
- ongoing consultations and capacity-building support for divisions/schools implementation teams to develop and refine their implementation plans
- an online learning community with resources to support implementation teams
- online professional learning opportunities for use within school divisions/schools
- online teacher self-assessment rubrics to facilitate goal setting for professional growth
- funding for professional learning of K-8 teachers on Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
- professional learning for teachers through divisional implementation teams
- summer institutes for additional divisional/school implementation team members
- “coach the mentors” professional learning for action research/implementation teams, held annually throughout the implementation process
- ongoing action research throughout the implementation process
What are the roles of those involved in implementing Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum?
- All school divisions will support their teachers and students in developing literacy with ICT.
- All K-8 teachers will provide learning opportunities for their students to develop literacy with ICT across the curriculum.
- All schools will report to parents about the development of their child's literacy with ICT.
LwICT Policy Letters
February 2008 ( 31 KB)
August 2006 ( 25 KB)