International Education
Benefits of International Education
The force and speed of global change are transforming societies around the world. Many aspects of economic, environmental, health, social, demographic and technological issues have international impacts and benefits.
These realities compel educational institutions to consider the international scope of their teaching, learning, research, and service mandates.
Schools, colleges and universities in Manitoba and around the world have committed themselves to making their curricula, campuses and communities more internationally oriented.
What is international education?
International education refers to educational initiatives that strive to expand knowledge of the global community, build intercultural capacity, and increase the sense of international citizenship amongst students, education professionals, and community members.
Examples of these initiatives include:
- student and teacher exchanges
- school twinnings
- international student programming
- internationalized classroom curriculum
- second language learning programs.
What are the benefits of international education?
International education brings important benefits that can help lead to a successful and secure future for our province and our country. Below you will find a poster outlining the 10 most important benefits that Manitoba experiences thanks to the international education sector.
Ten Benefits of International Education

Develops internationally and interculturally knowledgeable graduates

Forms friendships, fostering goodwill and understanding with people around the world

Creates additional opportunities for research and learning

Creates well-paying jobs in Manitoba for skilled and qualified workers

Develops a worldwide network of academics and graduates

Enhances the quality and innovation of education and research

Stimulates linguistic diversity and multiculturalism

Develops a diverse network of unofficial ambassadors of Manitoba

Enriches classrooms with perspectives from across the globe

Impacts positively on Manitoba's economy