International Education
Mandate and Strategy
The department of Advanced Education and Training has a number of provincial objectives:
- increase the international and intercultural knowledge and skills of Manitobans
- maximize the benefits of international education to the Manitoba economy
- engage more schools/institutions, levels of education, fields of study/training, and regions of Manitoba in international education
- enhance international recognition of Manitoba as an excellent source of high quality, affordable education and training programs, services and products
The International Education strategy has five components that support Manitoba’s objective of increasing international learning capacity. An overview of the five components can be found in the following list:
International Students
Recruiting students from outside Canada and providing concomitant educational programming, accommodation, and support services.
Projects & Contracts
Assisting educational institutions in successfully bidding on high-value education-related projects from development agencies (ex. World Bank) and large contractors (ex. foreign governments).
Mobility of Students & Faculty
Providing opportunities for direct overseas experience for students, teachers, faculty and other educational staff.
Offshore Delivery & Partnerships
Offering programs or program components overseas. This may be done directly (ex. branch campuses or distance delivery) or by working with partners to deliver programming recognized by a Manitoba institution.
Incorporating an international dimension into teaching and learning practices across the curriculum and within the classroom.