Domestic Students
Study Abroad: Manitoba-Minnesota Reciprocity
The province of Manitoba has a tuition reciprocity agreement with the State of Minnesota (USA). The agreement ensures Manitobans who study in Minnesota will pay the SAME TUITION as Minnesota students at participating post-secondary institutions. Minnesotans pay the SAME TUITION as Manitoba students when they chose to study in Manitoba.
The tuition reciprocity agreement allows students to experience an international post-secondary education at affordable domestic rates. The Manitoba Advanced Learning Division describes the agreement at the bottom of their Interprovincial and International Training Agreements webpage.
Manitoba students wishing to attend Minnesota Universities and colleges that participate in the tuition reciprocity program can find information on the reciprocity agreement on Minnesota’s Office of Higher Education Manitoba Reciprocity webpage. The Minnesota Higher Education Services Office provides general information on reciprocity agreements on their Reduced Out-Of-State Tuition Options webpage
Manitoba students wishing to take advantage of this agreement should inquire with the Minnesota institution where they plan to enroll. Indicate that you wish to obtain the reciprocal tuition rate and be prepared to provide proof of Manitoba residency. Each institution may have its own application procedure.
Participating institutions in Minnesota include:
Institutions beginning with A
Institutions beginning with B
Institutions beginning with C
Institutions beginning with D
Institutions beginning with F
Institutions beginning with H
Institutions beginning with I
Institutions beginning with L
Institutions beginning with M
- Mesabi Range College
- Metropolitan State University
- Minneapolis Community & Technical College
- Minnesota State College - Southeast
- Minnesota State Community & Technical College
- Minnesota State University - Mankato
- Minnesota State University Moorhead
- Minnesota West Community & Technical College
- Minnesota North College
- Minnesota North College - Rainy River