Framework for Learning


Framework for Learning

Manitoba's Global Competencies

Dimensions of Creativity

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  • Demonstrate openmindedness, curiosity, flexibility, and risk taking.
    • Learners try new things and take risks.
    • Learners demonstrate curiosity by exploring new ideas/possibilities and asking relevant questions.
  • Generate new ideas and build opportunities or solutions within a given context that meet a need or challenge and have value.
    • Learners use strategies* to generate innovative ideas, solve problems, and/or make a difference.
    • Learners enhance new ideas by building on ideas of others.
  • Work through a creative process that includes asking questions and testing and refining ideas to advance an idea, product, or goal.
    • Learners create plans and adjust them as needed to meet a goal.
    • Learners test and adapt ideas or plans, and persevere through obstacles to improve.
    • Learners reflect on their process, and seek and use feedback from others.

* see competencies in curriculum

a person with a lightbulb signifying an original thought

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