Manitoba K-12 Education Data Dashboard

Interpretive Notes

To determine Manitoba’s student-tracked high school graduation rates, the department follows individual students in public and funded independent schools from Grade 9 and calculates the percentage who graduate within a specific timeframe. This calculation excludes students from non-funded independent schools, First Nations schools (including those administered by Frontier School Division under educational agreements), and Adult Learning Centres.

To improve accuracy, this method adjusts for factors such as students moving out of Manitoba, deaths, and the proportion of school age children in the province not enrolled in public or funded independent schools.

The difference between the calculated rates and a 100% rate is not the high school dropout rate. While the difference would include students who have disengaged from attending school, it would also account for students who have transferred out of public and funded independent schools to enroll and potentially finish high school in non-funded independent schools, First Nations schools, and Adult Learning Centres.

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