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Repaying student loans | Manitoba Student Aid

Repaying student loans?

Canada-Manitoba Integrated Student Loan

The Governments of Canada and Manitoba have integrated some of the administration of their student loan programs. For Manitoba Student Aid (MSA) borrowers, this means that the loan disbursement and repayment of Manitoba student loans are now managed by the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC). Students will continue to submit new student loan applications, requests for reassessments and appeals for funding to MSA as that part of the MSA program is not changing.

Please note that MSA is no longer accepting payments for Manitoba student loans. Please visit the NSLSC website to learn how you can continue repayment of your Manitoba Student Loan.

What if my loan is in default?

If you have missed nine monthly payments on your student loan, it is considered in default. A claim will be registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to redirect your future Income Tax refunds and GST payments until your loan is paid in full, or until you rehabilitate the loan. While a claim is registered with the CRA, you will not be eligible for any further student aid financial assistance.

If your student loan is in collections with the CRA and you want to return to study, you may be eligible to rehabilitate your loan by bringing your payments up to date. Please contact the CRA at 1-866-864-5825 to discuss loan rehabilitation options.

What if I declare bankruptcy?

If you declare bankruptcy or file a consumer proposal within seven years of completing your studies, your student loans may not be included. This means that once you are discharged, you will still be required to continue making regular student loan payments. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have notified your Trustee if you have one or more of the following: A Manitoba Student Loan, a Canada Student Loan, or a student loan through a bank.

While you are in bankruptcy protection, Manitoba Student Aid (MSA) and the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) cannot contact you. Once you have been discharged, you must contact the NSLSC to provide proof of the discharge and establish a new student loan repayment plan.

What if a family member who has a student loan passes away?

If a family member passes away while they are in repayment of their student loans, they are eligible to have their loans forgiven. To apply, contact the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program. You will be asked to provide a copy of the death certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Canada-Manitoba Integrated Student Loan