Framework for Learning


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Grade 11 Essential Mathematics Half Course III

Course Overview

Grade 11 Essential Mathematics learners in Half Course III will develop critical-thinking skills by analyzing puzzles and games involving numerical reasoning. They will develop an understanding of compound interest and of credit options, including credit cards and loans, and they will manipulate and apply formulas related to simple interest and finance charges. Learners will develop an understanding of spatial relationships by manipulating and applying formulas related to surface area, volume, and capacity, using imperial units of measurements. They will develop statistical reasoning by creating and interpreting a variety of graphs.

Guiding Principles for the Design of Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices

The Guiding Principles for the Design of Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices provide guidance to all Manitoba educators as they design learning experiences and classroom assessments to strengthen, extend, and expand student learning. Planning with the learner, the context, and the curricula in mind creates opportunities for the co-construction of inclusive learning experiences and assessment practices where the diverse learning needs, abilities, and interests of each learner are met.

Assessment for and as learning involve learners in the process and support learner reflection; assessment of learning (commonly known as summative evaluation) measures final outcomes. All aspects, when done well, contribute to informed teaching and reliable judgment of learner progress.

Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting

The Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting are currently still under development and not yet available. When completed, a notification will be added to the Manitoba Framework for Learning “What’s New?” page on the website.

Learning Outcomes

General Learning Outcome: Develop critical thinking skills.

  • 11E3.A.1. Analyze puzzles and games that involve numerical reasoning, using problem-solving strategies.
    [C, CN, PS, R]

    It is intended that this learning outcome be integrated throughout the course by using puzzles and games such as cribbage, magic squares, and Kakuro.

General Learning Outcome: Develop an understanding of credit and the effects of interest.

  • 11E3.I.1. Demonstrate an understanding of compound interest.
    [CN, ME, PS, T]

  • 11E3.I.2. Demonstrate an understanding of credit options, including

    • credit cards
    • loans

    [CN, ME, PS, R]

  • 11E3.I.3. Solve problems that require the manipulation and application of formulas related to

    • simple interest
    • finance charges

    [CN, PS, R]

General Learning Outcome: Develop an understanding of spatial relationships applied to volume and surface area.

  • 11E3.G.1. Solve problems that involve SI and imperial units in surface area measurements.
    [C, CN, ME, PS, V]

    It is intended that arithmetic operations on decimals and fractions be integrated into the problems.
  • 11E3.G.2. Solve problems that involve SI and imperial units in volume and capacity measurements.
    [C, CN, ME, PS, V]

    It is intended that arithmetic operations on decimals and fractions be integrated into the problems.
  • 11E3.G.3. Solve problems that require the manipulation and application of formulas related to

    • volume and capacity
    • surface area

    [CN, PS, R]

General Learning Outcome: Develop statistical reasoning.

  • 11E3.S.1. Solve problems that involve creating and interpreting graphs, including

    • bar graphs
    • histograms
    • line graphs
    • circle graphs

    [C, CN, PS, R, T, V]

Curriculum Implementation Resources

Grade 11 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Web Pages

Grade 11 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Multimedia

Grade 11 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Documents