Framework for Learning


Framework for LEARNING

English Program

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Grade 1 Social Studies: Connecting and Belonging

Course Overview

Grade 1 learners learn about connections and relationships in their local community, Canada, and the world. They become aware of their responsibilities and rights as citizens, and discover how they can contribute to their groups and communities. Learners become more aware of Canada as a country, and they consider the connections that bring people together in communities, past and present. They learn about diversity, interdependence, and the importance of connecting and belonging.

Guiding Principles for the Design of Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices

The Guiding Principles for the Design of Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices provide guidance to all Manitoba educators as they design learning experiences and classroom assessments to strengthen, extend, and expand student learning. Planning with the learner, the context, and the curricula in mind creates opportunities for the co-construction of inclusive learning experiences and assessment practices where the diverse learning needs, abilities, and interests of each learner are met.

Assessment for and as learning involve learners in the process and support learner reflection; assessment of learning (commonly known as summative evaluation) measures final outcomes. All aspects, when done well, contribute to informed teaching and reliable judgment of learner progress.

Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting

The Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting are currently still under development and not yet available. When completed, a notification will be added to the Manitoba Framework for Learning “What’s New?” page on the website.

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 1-KC-004 Identify Remembrance Day as a time to think about peace and war.

  • 1-KI-007 Give examples of groups with which they identify (e.g., cultural, linguistic, community).

  • 1-KI-007A Recognize that they are members of a First Nation, Métis, or Inuit community.

  • 1-KI-007F Recognize that they are members of a francophone community.

  • 1-KI-009 Describe ways in which their family expresses its culture and identity.

  • 1-KH-017 Give examples of traditions and celebrations that connect them to the past.

  • 1-KH-017F Recognize that stories, traditions, and celebrations of the francophone community connect them to previous generations.

  • 1-KH-018 Identify family connections to previous generations (e.g., grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles).

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 1-VI-003 Respect the stories, traditions, and celebrations of others.

  • 1-VI-005 Value the stories, languages, traditions, and celebrations of their families and communities.

  • 1-VH-009 Value stories of the past as an important way to learn about the present.

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 1-KC-001 Identify Manitoba as their province and Canada as their country.

  • 1-KC-002 Recognize English and French as the two official languages of Canada.

  • 1-KC-002A Identify the language spoken in their First Nation, Métis, or Inuit community.

  • 1-KC-003 Recite the words to Canada’s national anthem in English or French.

  • 1-KC-003A Recite the words to Canada’s national anthem in their First Nation, Métis, or Inuit language.

  • 1-KI-008 Identify characteristics of communities.

  • 1-KL-012 Recognize that people depend on the environment for survival.

  • 1-KL-013 Identify their address or describe the relative location of their home in their community, town, or city.

  • 1-KL-014 Recognize globes and maps as representations of the surface of Earth.

  • 1-KL-015 Distinguish land and water masses on globes and maps.

  • 1-KL-016 Identify and locate landmarks and significant places using relative terms (e.g., the statue is in the park beside the river).

  • 1-KL-016A Identify local Indigenous landmarks and significant places.

  • 1-KL-016F Identify local francophone landmarks and significant places.

  • 1-KH-019 Describe how the repeating patterns of the seasons influence their lives.

  • 1-KE-027 Give examples to distinguish needs from wants.

  • 1-KE-028 Give examples of how media may influence their needs, wants, and choices. Include advertising and television programming.

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 1-VL-007 Appreciate the beauty and benefits that the natural environment brings to their lives.

  • 1-VL-007A Value the special relationships Indigenous people have with the natural environment.

  • 1-VL-008 Respect neighbourhood and community places and landmarks (e.g., do not litter or vandalize).

  • 1-VE-013 Respect differences between their own and others’ needs and wants.

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 1-KC-005 Describe their responsibilities and rights in the school and community.

  • 1-KC-006 Describe various ways in which people depend upon and help one another.

  • 1-KI-010 Give examples of diverse ways in which people live and express themselves (e.g., language, clothing, food, art, celebrations).

  • 1-KI-011 Identify similarities between diverse communities (e.g., cultural, social, geographic).

  • 1-KG-020 Recognize that people all over the world have similar concerns, needs, and relationships.

  • 1-KG-021 Identify relationships or connections they have with people in other places in the world.

  • 1-KP-022 Give examples of decision-making in their daily lives (e.g., families, schools, communities).

  • 1-KP-023 Describe how other people may influence their lives and how they may influence the lives of others.

  • 1-KP-024 Explain purposes of rules and laws in the school and community.

  • 1-KP-025 Give examples of causes of interpersonal conflict and solutions to interpersonal conflict in the school and community.

  • 1-KP-026 Identify ways to deal with bullying.

  • 1-KE-029 Describe ways in which work may be shared in families, schools, and communities.

  • 1-KE-030 Recognize the need to care for personal property.

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 1-VC-001 Respect the needs and rights of others.

  • 1-VC-002 Be willing to contribute to their groups and communities.

  • 1-VI-004 Appreciate the importance of relationships and connections to others.

  • 1-VI-006 Value diversity among their peers and community members.

  • 1-VG-010 Be willing to consider the needs of people elsewhere in the world (e.g., Project Love, UNICEF).

  • 1-VP-011 Respect rules and laws in their school and community.

  • 1-VP-011A Respect the traditional laws of their Indigenous community.

  • 1-VP-012 Be willing to help resolve interpersonal conflicts peacefully.

  • 1-VE-014 Respect their own and others’ property.

Skills for Active Democratic Citizenship

  • 1-S-100 Cooperate and collaborate with others (e.g., share spaces and resources, assume responsibilities, seek agreement).

  • 1-S-101 Consider others’ needs when working and playing together.

  • 1-S-102 Interact fairly and respectfully with others.

  • 1-S-103 Make decisions that reflect care, concern, and responsibility for the environment.

Skills for Managing Information and Ideas

  • 1-S-200 Gather information from oral, visual, material, print, or electronic sources.

  • 1-S-201 Categorize information using selected criteria.

  • 1-S-202 Use appropriate terms or expressions to describe periods of time.

  • 1-S-203 Use tools and technologies to accomplish given tasks.

  • 1-S-204 Use simple timelines to organize information chronologically.

  • 1-S-205 Construct simple maps to represent familiar places and locations.

  • 1-S-206 Interpret simple maps as representations of familiar places and locations.

  • 1-S-207 Use relative terms to describe familiar locations.

Skills for Critical and Creative Thinking

  • 1-S-300 Use comparison in investigations.

  • 1-S-301 Identify consequences of their decisions and actions.

  • 1-S-302 Use information or observation to form opinions.

  • 1-S-303 Revise ideas and opinions based on new information.

Skills for Communication

  • 1-S-400 Listen actively to others.

  • 1-S-401 Use language that is respectful of others.

  • 1-S-402 Express reasons for their ideas and opinions.

  • 1-S-403 Present information and ideas orally, visually, or concretely.

  • 1-S-404 Relate events and stories in chronological order.

Curriculum Implementation Resources

Grade 1 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Web Pages

Grade 1 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Multimedia

Grade 1 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Documents