Framework for Learning


Framework for LEARNING

English Program

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Grade 3 Social Studies: Communities of the World

Course Overview

Grade 3 learners explore ways of life in selected communities of the world, past and present. They are introduced to world geography, and they enrich their appreciation of global diversity as they explore communities and cultures. Learners study physical, social, and cultural characteristics of two contemporary communities of the world, one of which is an Indigenous community. They also explore life in an ancient society—one selected from Egypt, China, Japan, or the Vikings, Incas, Mayas, or Aztecs. Through this exploration, learners discover the connections linking diverse communities, past and present, and develop an appreciation of the enduring contributions of communities of the world.

Guiding Principles for the Design of Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices

The Guiding Principles for the Design of Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices provide guidance to all Manitoba educators as they design learning experiences and classroom assessments to strengthen, extend, and expand student learning. Planning with the learner, the context, and the curricula in mind creates opportunities for the co-construction of inclusive learning experiences and assessment practices where the diverse learning needs, abilities, and interests of each learner are met.

Assessment for and as learning involve learners in the process and support learner reflection; assessment of learning (commonly known as summative evaluation) measures final outcomes. All aspects, when done well, contribute to informed teaching and reliable judgment of learner progress.

Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting

The Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting are currently still under development and not yet available. When completed, a notification will be added to the Manitoba Framework for Learning “What’s New?” page on the website.

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 3-KC-001 Recognize citizenship as membership in the Canadian community.

  • 3-KC-002 Give examples of responsibilities and rights of Canadian citizens.

  • 3-KC-003 Recite the words to Canada’s national anthem in English, French, and a local First Nations’, Métis, or Inuit language (e.g., Cree, Ojibway, Michif, Dene).

  • 3-KC-004 Describe Remembrance Day as a time to think about peace and war.

  • 3-KI-007 Identify factors that may influence their identities (e.g., culture and language, time and place, groups and communities, arts and media).

  • 3-KI-007A Describe personally significant aspects of their First Nations, Métis, or Inuit community.

  • 3-KI-007F Describe personally significant aspects of their francophone community.

  • 3-KP-032 Give examples of formal and informal leadership and decision-making in groups and communities.

  • 3-KP-033 Identify ways of resolving conflict in groups and communities.

  • 3-KP-034 Identify ways to deal with bullying.

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 3-VC-002 Be willing to contribute to their groups and communities.

  • 3-VP-011 Respect positive leadership in their groups and communities and in Canada.

  • 3-VP-011A Respect the teachings of Elders, leaders, parents, and community members.

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 3-KC-005 Recognize that people around the world have basic human rights (e.g., access to food, water, shelter, a secure environment, education, fair and equal treatment).

  • 3-KC-006 Explain the importance of fairness and sharing in groups and communities.

  • 3-KI-008 Describe countries as types of communities defined by borders.

  • 3-KL-014 Locate on a map or globe the equator and the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

  • 3-KL-015 Locate on a map or globe the continents and oceans.

  • 3-KL-016 Identify maps, aerial photographs, and satellite images as representations of the surface of Earth.

  • 3-KG-027 Give examples of concerns common to communities around the world.

  • 3-KG-028 Identify organizations that support communities in all countries of the world (e.g., United Nations and UNICEF, Red Cross, Médecins sans frontières).

  • 3-KG-029 Identify ways in which community services can help people acquire their basic human rights (e.g., ensure quality housing, education, security, food and water).

  • 3-KG-030 Describe similarities and connections among communities around the world.

  • 3-KG-031 Give examples of personal decisions and actions that may positively affect people locally or globally (e.g., charitable donations and projects, recycling).

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 3-VC-001 Support fairness in social interactions.

  • 3-VC-003 Respect the equality of all human beings.

  • 3-VG-009 Be willing to accept differences among people, communities, and ways of life.

  • 3-VG-010 Appreciate their connections to people and communities elsewhere in the world.

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 3-KI-009 Define the elements that constitute a culture. Include ways of life, language, art, clothing, and beliefs.

  • 3-KI-009A Identify the protocols within their Indigenous culture.

  • 3-KI-010 Describe characteristics of daily life in communities studied (e.g., housing, tools, work, use of the land, recreation, education).

  • 3-KI-011 Give examples of cultural expression in communities studied (e.g., language and stories, art, music and dance, architecture, traditions, clothing).

  • 3-KI-012 Recognize the diversity of cultures and communities in the world.

  • 3-KI-013 Compare daily life in their own communities to life in communities studied.

  • 3-KL-017 Describe the influence of natural phenomena on ways of life in communities studied (e.g., climate, vegetation, natural resources, landforms, floods, droughts, storms).

  • 3-KL-018 Give examples of the use of natural resources in communities studied.

  • 3-KL-019 Recognize that people have diverse ways of living on or with the land.

  • 3-KL-020 Locate communities or countries studied on a world map or globe.

  • 3-KE-035 Give examples of work, goods, and technologies in communities studied.

  • 3-KE-036 Give examples of how the natural environment influences work, goods, technologies, and trade in communities studied.

  • 3-KE-037 Describe diverse ways in which communities meet their members’ needs.

  • 3-KE-038 Identify media influences on their perceptions of people and places elsewhere in the world.

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 3-VI-004 Express interest in the ways of life of diverse cultures and communities.

  • 3-VL-005 Appreciate the diversity of the global natural environment.

  • 3-VL-006 Value the land for what it provides for communities.

  • 3-VL-006A Appreciate the sacredness of living on and with the land.

  • 3-VE-012 Value the contributions individuals make to their communities.

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 3-KH-021 Recognize the continuity of cultures, traditions, and practices over time.

  • 3-KH-022 Recognize that communities change over time.

  • 3-KH-023 Describe characteristics of daily life in an ancient society (e.g., food, clothing, shelter, work, social organization, families, education, religion, celebrations, recreation).

  • 3-KH-024 Give examples of customs, stories, and traditions of an ancient society.

  • 3-KH-025 Describe ways in which members of an ancient society expressed themselves (e.g., art and architecture, music and dance, writing and stories, religious practices).

  • 3-KH-026 Give examples of the enduring contributions of an ancient society (e.g., ideas, inventions, art and architecture, stories).

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 3-VH-007 Express interest in and curiosity about people, events, and ways of life in the past.

  • 3-VH-008 Value the enduring contributions of societies of the past.

Skills for Active Democratic Citizenship

  • 3-S-100 Collaborate with others to share ideas, decisions, and responsibilities in groups.

  • 3-S-101 Resolve conflicts peacefully and fairly.

  • 3-S-102 Interact fairly and respectfully with others.

  • 3-S-103 Make decisions that reflect care, concern, and responsibility for the environment.

  • 3-S-104 Consider the rights and opinions of others during interactions.

Skills for Managing Information and Ideas

  • 3-S-200 Gather information from oral, visual, material, print, or electronic sources.

  • 3-S-201 Organize and record information in a variety of formats (e.g., maps, charts, outlines, concept maps), and reference sources appropriately.

  • 3-S-202 Use appropriate terms or expressions to describe periods of time.

  • 3-S-203 Select and use appropriate tools and technologies to accomplish tasks.

  • 3-S-204 Use timelines to organize information chronologically.

  • 3-S-205 Construct maps that include a title, legend, and compass rose.

  • 3-S-206 Interpret maps that include a title, legend, and compass rose.

  • 3-S-207 Use cardinal directions to describe the relative locations of places on maps and globes.

Skills for Critical and Creative Thinking

  • 3-S-300 Formulate questions for research.

  • 3-S-301 Consider advantages and disadvantages of solutions to a problem.

  • 3-S-302 Draw conclusions based on information and evidence.

  • 3-S-303 Revise ideas and opinions based on new information.

  • 3-S-304 Distinguish fact from opinion.

Skills for Communication

  • 3-S-400 Listen actively to others to understand their perspectives.

  • 3-S-401 Use language that is respectful of human diversity.

  • 3-S-402 Support their ideas and opinions with information or observations.

  • 3-S-403 Present information and ideas orally, visually, concretely, or electronically.

Curriculum Implementation Resources

Grade 3 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Web Pages

Grade 3 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Multimedia

Grade 3 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Documents