Framework for Learning


Framework for LEARNING

English Program

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Grade 7 Social Studies: People and Places in the World

Course Overview

Grade 7 learners study world geography and learn about environmental, social, and cultural factors that affect ways of life in today’s world. They study three communities: an indigenous community outside of Canada; a community in Africa, Asia, or Australasia; and one community from Europe or the Americas. Learners focus on questions about culture, quality of life, international cooperation, and the responsibilities and rights of global citizenship.

Guiding Principles for the Design of Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices

The Guiding Principles for the Design of Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices provide guidance to all Manitoba educators as they design learning experiences and classroom assessments to strengthen, extend, and expand student learning. Planning with the learner, the context, and the curricula in mind creates opportunities for the co-construction of inclusive learning experiences and assessment practices where the diverse learning needs, abilities, and interests of each learner are met.

Assessment for and as learning involve learners in the process and support learner reflection; assessment of learning (commonly known as summative evaluation) measures final outcomes. All aspects, when done well, contribute to informed teaching and reliable judgment of learner progress.

Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting

The Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting are currently still under development and not yet available. When completed, a notification will be added to the Manitoba Framework for Learning “What’s New?” page on the website.

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 7-KL-015 Explain the purpose of latitude, longitude, parallels, and meridians.

  • 7-KL-016 Locate on a world map the continents, major landforms, and major bodies of water.

  • 7-KL-017 Locate on a world map and describe the major climatic and vegetation zones.

  • 7-KL-018 Locate on a world map the major population clusters, and explain the relationship between population distribution and the natural environment.

  • 7-KL-018F Locate on a world map the major francophone countries.

  • 7-KL-019 Identify factors that influence the movement of people around the world (e.g., environmental, economic, political, social).

  • 7-KL-020 Locate the time zones on a world map and explain their purpose.

  • 7-KL-021 Explain standards related to time zones. Include International Date Line, Universal Time, and local time.

  • 7-KG-032 Identify on a world map the more and less developed nations, and explain why a nation is considered to be more or less developed.

  • 7-KP-038 Compare the accuracy of various map projections (e.g., Goode, Mercator, Peters, Robinson, polar), and describe their influence on perceptions of the size and importance of the continents.

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 7-VL-008 Appreciate the diversity of the global natural environment.

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 7-KC-001 Describe the impact of various factors (e.g., laws, culture, labour practices, education) on citizenship rights in Canada and elsewhere in the world.

  • 7-KC-002 Describe the impact of various factors on quality of life in Canada and elsewhere in the world (e.g., access to shelter, food, water, health care, and education; globalization).

  • 7-KC-003 Give examples of ways in which quality of life may be enhanced within a democracy (e.g., freedom of association, speech, and the press; universal suffrage).

  • 7-KC-004 Describe ways in which their personal actions may affect quality of life for people elsewhere in the world (e.g., consumer choices, conservation actions, sharing of resources, letters and petitions).

  • 7-KC-005 Recognize Remembrance Day as a commemoration of Canadian participation in world conflicts.

  • 7-KI-006 Identify diverse cultural and social perspectives regarding quality of life (e.g., differing concepts of poverty and wealth; materialism).

  • 7-KI-007 Describe the impact of discriminatory attitudes and practices on quality of life. Include racism, prejudice, and stereotyping.

  • 7-KI-008 Describe the influence of various factors (e.g., gender and gender images, sexual orientation, physical characteristics, socio-economic situation, peer pressure, media portrayals) on personal identity.

  • 7-KG-033 Give examples of events and achievements that enhance understanding among peoples and nations (e.g., international sporting events, world fairs and expositions, film, music, and literary festivals, Nobel Prizes).

  • 7-KG-034 Identify reasons why people emigrate.

  • 7-KG-035 Give examples of global cooperation to solve conflicts or disasters.

  • 7-KG-036 Identify various international organizations (e.g., United Nations, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Médecins sans frontières), and describe their role in protecting or enhancing global quality of life.

  • 7-KG-037 Identify universal human rights, and explain their importance.

  • 7-KP-039 Give examples of government decisions that affect quality of life.

  • 7-KP-040 Compare and contrast various types of power and authority.

  • 7-KP-041 Explain the relationship between power and access to wealth and resources.

  • 7-KP-042 Identify various individuals who influence world affairs.

  • 7-KE-045 Give examples of the uneven distribution of wealth and resources in the world, and describe the impact on individuals, communities, and nations.

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 7-VC-001 Respect the inherent dignity of all people.

  • 7-VC-002 Acknowledge that the rights of citizenship involve limitations on personal freedom for the sake of collective quality of life.

  • 7-VC-003 Be willing to contribute to their groups and communities.

  • 7-VC-004 Be willing to take action to support quality of life for people around the world.

  • 7-VI-005 Respect others’ rights to express their points of view.

  • 7-VG-011 Value the contributions of international agencies and humanitarians (e.g., Mennonite Central Committee, Red Cross; Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa) to quality of life.

  • 7-VP-013 Demonstrate concern for people who are affected by discrimination, injustice, or abuse of power.

  • 7-VP-014 Appreciate the positive contributions of various individuals to world affairs.

  • 7-VE-016 Appreciate that quality of life is not solely determined by access to wealth, resources, and technologies.

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 7-KI-009 Identify elements that all societies have in common (e.g., social structure, communication, art, beliefs, technology, governance, economic organization).

  • 7-KI-010 Give examples of cultural factors that shape ways of life in a society of Asia, Africa, or Australasia.

  • 7-KI-011 Give examples of the artistic expression of culture in a society of Asia, Africa, or Australasia (e.g., art, music, dance, literature, oral tradition).

  • 7-KI-012 Describe the influence of westernization in a society of Asia, Africa, or Australasia (e.g., cultural homogenization, global communication).

  • 7-KI-013 Describe factors that affect health in a society of Asia, Africa, or Australasia (e.g., access to safe water, food, and medical care; AIDS and other epidemics).

  • 7-KI-014 Describe characteristics of indigenous ways of life in a society of Asia, Africa, or Australasia.

  • 7-KL-022 Identify on a map the major cities, landforms, and bodies of water of a society of Asia, Africa, or Australasia.

  • 7-KL-023 Give examples of the influence of the natural environment on ways of life in a society of Asia, Africa, or Australasia.

  • 7-KH-030 Identify historical events that continue to affect a society of Asia, Africa, or Australasia (e.g., colonization, slavery, wars, disasters).

  • 7-KP-043 Give examples of the impact of government and the justice system on ways of life in a society of Asia, Africa, or Australasia.

  • 7-KE-046 Identify major economic activities in a society of Asia, Africa, or Australasia.

  • 7-KE-047 Describe the impact of urbanization and industrialization on indigenous peoples in a society of Asia, Africa, or Australasia.

  • 7-KE-048 Give examples of the impact of changing technologies on ways of life in a society of Asia, Africa, or Australasia.

  • 7-KE-049 Identify issues related to work and trade in a society of Asia, Africa, or Australasia (e.g., child labour, exploitation in or exclusion from the workforce, cooperatives, fair trade).

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 7-VI-006 Be willing to broaden personal perspectives and experiences beyond the familiar.

  • 7-VI-007 Appreciate the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity in the world.

  • 7-VG-012 Demonstrate interest in ways of life of other societies in the world.

  • 7-VP-015 Demonstrate concern for the loss of indigenous ways of life.

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 7-KL-024 Identify on a map the major cities, landforms, and bodies of water of a society of Europe or the Americas.

  • 7-KL-025 Give reasons for increased urbanization in a society of Europe or the Americas (e.g., housing, access to services, employment, industry).

  • 7-KL-026 Identify human activities that contribute to climate change.

  • 7-KL-027 Describe social, environmental, and economic consequences of climate change.

  • 7-KL-028 Describe diverse approaches to land and natural resource use in a society of Europe or the Americas.

  • 7-KL-029 Give examples of the impact of human activity on the natural environment in a society of Europe or the Americas (e.g., endangered plant and animal species, reforestation, restoration of wetlands).

  • 7-KH-031 Identify historical events that continue to affect a society of Europe or the Americas (e.g., colonization, slavery, wars, disasters, agricultural or technological change).

  • 7-KP-044 Identify ways in which government decisions may affect human impact on the natural environment.

  • 7-KE-050 Identify major economic activities in a society of Europe or the Americas.

  • 7-KE-051 Identify common challenges faced by large urban centres (e.g., economic, environmental, social).

  • 7-KE-052 Identify issues related to food production and distribution in a society of Europe or the Americas.

  • 7-KE-053 Describe sustainable development issues in a society of Europe or the Americas.

  • 7-KE-054 Give examples of the environmental and social impact of consumerism in the local community and in a society of Europe or the Americas.

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 7-VL-009 Be willing to take actions to help sustain the natural environment in Canada and the world.

  • 7-VH-010 Appreciate history as an important way to understand contemporary life.

  • 7-VE-017 Be willing to consider the consequences of their consumer choices.

Skills for Active Democratic Citizenship

  • 7-S-100 Collaborate with others to establish and carry out group goals and responsibilities.

  • 7-S-101 Use a variety of strategies to resolve conflicts peacefully and fairly (e.g., clarification, negotiation, compromise).

  • 7-S-102 Make decisions that reflect fairness and equality in their interactions with others.

  • 7-S-103 Make decisions that reflect principles of environmental stewardship and sustainability.

  • 7-S-104 Negotiate constructively with others to build consensus and solve problems.

  • 7-S-105 Recognize bias and discrimination (e.g., racism, ageism, heterosexism), and propose solutions.

  • 7-S-106 Treat places and objects of historical significance with respect (e.g., burial grounds, memorials, artifacts).

Skills for Managing Information and Ideas

  • 7-S-200 Select information from a variety of oral, visual, material, print, or electronic sources (e.g., maps, atlases, art, songs, artifacts, narratives, legends, biographies, historical fiction).

  • 7-S-201 Organize and record information in a variety of formats (e.g., maps, charts, outlines, concept maps, etc.), and reference sources appropriately.

  • 7-S-202 Interpret primary and secondary information sources for research.

  • 7-S-203 Select and use appropriate tools and technologies to accomplish tasks.

  • 7-S-204 Create maps using a variety of information sources, tools, and technologies (e.g., observation, Traditional Knowledge, geographic information systems [GIS], Global Positioning Systems [GPS]).

  • 7-S-205 Construct maps that include a title, legend, compass rose, scale, and latitude and longitude.

  • 7-S-206 Select and interpret various types of maps for specific purposes.

  • 7-S-207 Use latitude and longitude to locate and describe places on maps and globes.

  • 7-S-207A Use Traditional Knowledge to read the land.

  • 7-S-208 Orient themselves by observing the landscape, using Traditional Knowledge, or using a compass or other tools and technologies.

Skills for Critical and Creative Thinking

  • 7-S-300 Plan topics, goals, and methods for inquiry and research.

  • 7-S-301 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of solutions to a problem.

  • 7-S-302 Draw conclusions based on research and evidence.

  • 7-S-303 Evaluate personal assumptions based on new information and ideas.

  • 7-S-304 Distinguish fact from opinion and interpretation.

  • 7-S-305 Observe and analyze material and visual evidence for research (e.g., artifacts, photographs, works of art).

  • 7-S-306 Assess the validity of information sources (e.g., purpose, context, authenticity, origin, objectivity, evidence, reliability).

  • 7-S-307 Compare differing viewpoints regarding global issues.

  • 7-S-308 Compare diverse perspectives in the media and other information sources.

  • 7-S-309 Interpret information and ideas in a variety of media (e.g., art, music, historical fiction, drama, primary sources).

  • 7-S-310 Recognize that interpretations of history are subject to change as new information is uncovered or acknowledged.

  • 7-S-311 Analyze prejudice, racism, stereotyping, or other forms of bias in the media and other information sources.

Skills for Communication

  • 7-S-400 Listen to others to understand their perspectives.

  • 7-S-401 Use language that is respectful of human diversity.

  • 7-S-402 Persuasively express differing viewpoints regarding an issue.

  • 7-S-403 Present information and ideas orally, visually, concretely, or electronically.

  • 7-S-404 Elicit and clarify questions and ideas in discussions.

  • 7-S-405 Articulate their beliefs and perspectives on issues.

Curriculum Implementation Resources

Grade 7 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Web Pages

Grade 7 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Multimedia

Grade 7 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Documents