My Student in Middle Years: A Resource for Educators and School Leaders
Professional Learning

Professional learning is the term most commonly used now instead of professional development, teacher training, or in-service training. Professional learning in Middle Years is available to support teachers, schools, and school divisions wishing to align more closely with Middle Years philosophy and practice.
Professional learning in Middle Years education is available on the following topics:
- Middle Years Engagement (half day or full day)
- Multilevel Learning (half day or full day)
- Co-teaching (half day, full day, or two half days)
- Teaching Social Justice and Human Rights through Holodomor Education
For further information about professional learning on Middle Years topics, please contact:
Val Noseworthy
Middle Years Consultant
Professional Learning Unit
Learning and Outcomes Branch
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
99–1577 Dublin Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3E 3J5
Telephone: 204-945-5937
Toll-Free: 1-800-282-8069, ext. 5937
Fax: 204-945-1704
Email: val.noseworthy@gov.mb.ca