My Student in Middle Years: A Resource for Educators and School Leaders
Policy and Guidelines
- Communicating Student Learning: Guidelines for Schools provides information on principles and practices for effective communication with students and parents about student learning.
- Middle Years Assessment: General Policy Information assists teachers and school leaders with the planning and implementation of provincial assessment.
- Middle Years Assessment in Key Competencies in Mathematics, Reading Comprehension, Expository Writing, and Student Engagement informs and guides educators in classroom-based assessment processes.
- Provincial Assessment Policy, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Academic Responsibility, Honesty, and Promotion/Retention outlines Manitoba’s assessment policy and principles related to academic responsibility, honesty, and promotion/retention of students.
- Provincial Parent-Friendly Report Card Initiative explains the report card process, provides report card templates, and links to support documents and contact information.
- Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind: Assessment for Learning, Assessment as Learning, Assessment of Learning explains assessment for, as, and of learning and how to use classroom assessment to support differentiated and ongoing learning.