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Grade 9 Transitional Mathematics II

Course Overview

Grade 9 Transitional Mathematics learners in Half Course II will demonstrate lifelong learning habits such as flexibility, awareness of thinking, and accuracy and precision when discussing and writing work, both independently and cooperatively. They will strengthen their understanding of concepts related to basic arithmetic, including mental math and estimation strategies, and percents and their relationship to decimals, fractions, and whole numbers. They will also strengthen their skills related to operations on whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and integers, as well as those related to algebra (such as solving expressions and linear equations), to geometry and measurement (such as perimeter, area of shapes, and volume of objects). They will develop and apply strategies, concepts, and skills to conduct and analyze investigations related to patterns and relations. Learners will make informed decisions related to nutrition and fitness, and make and justify decisions concerning a room renovation (considering the measurement of perimeter and area, and the use of percent, ratio, and scale drawings).

Guiding Principles for the Design of Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices

The Guiding Principles for the Design of Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices provide guidance to all Manitoba educators as they design learning experiences and classroom assessments to strengthen, extend, and expand student learning. Planning with the learner, the context, and the curricula in mind creates opportunities for the co-construction of inclusive learning experiences and assessment practices where the diverse learning needs, abilities, and interests of each learner are met.

Assessment for and as learning involve learners in the process and support learner reflection; assessment of learning (commonly known as summative evaluation) measures final outcomes. All aspects, when done well, contribute to informed teaching and reliable judgment of learner progress.

Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting

The Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting are currently still under development and not yet available. When completed, a notification will be added to the Manitoba Framework for Learning “What’s New?” page on the website.

Learning Outcomes

General Learning Outcome: Demonstrate, through discussion and written work, the following behaviours:
  • persistence
  • managing impulsivity
  • listening with empathy and understanding
  • flexibility in thinking
  • thinking about thinking (metacognition)
  • checking for accuracy and precision
  • drawing on past knowledge
  • questioning and problem posing
  • precision of language and thought

Specific Learning Outcomes

  • II-A-1. Use specific strategies in different problem solving situations.

  • II-A-2. Demonstrate a willingness to work independently as well as to work interdependently as a team member.

  • II-A-3. Use questioning/clarifying to improve creative thinking.

  • II-A-4. Recognize a preference for learning through the theory of multiple intelligences.

General Learning Outcome: Develop number sense by explaining mental strategies for calculating and estimating solutions to problems.

Specific Learning Outcomes

  • II-B-1. Use a concrete model to demonstrate the concept of balance in algebra.

  • II-B-2. Substitute and determine the values for first-degree algebraic expressions and equations given the value for the variable.

  • II-B-3. Simplify algebraic expressions through the collection of like terms.

  • II-B-4. Solve one- and two-step first-degree linear equations containing one variable.

  • II-B-5. Model and solve one- and two-step first-degree linear equations using algebra tiles.

General Learning Outcome: Use a concrete model to build and develop an understanding of addition and subtraction of integers.

Specific Learning Outcomes

  • II-B-6. Model and explain multiplication involving integers.

  • II-B-7. Use inverse operations to explain division of integers.

General Learning Outcome:Develop number sense by explaining mental strategies for calculating and estimating solutions to problems.

Specific Learning Outcomes

  • II-B-8. Review benchmarks (100%, 50%, 25%, 12½%).

  • II-B-9. Use reasoning to mentally calculate 10% of a variety of numbers, and explain the method(s) used to solve the problems.

  • II-B-10. Use reasoning to mentally calculate 5% of a variety of numbers, and explain the strategies for the calculations.

  • II-B-11. Use established percent benchmarks and reasoning to mentally calculate answers to number problems, and explain the methods used.

General Learning Outcome: Develop and use mathematical strategies, concepts, and skills in the context of mathematical investigations in algebra.

Specific Learning Outcomes

  • II-C-1. Conduct and analyze mathematical investigations to determine the pattern and express the relationship algebraically.

  • II-C-2. Write a formal report about an investigation.

General Learning Outcome: Compete activities intended to motivate and remediate concepts and skills in arithmetic and geometry.

Specific Learning Outcomes

  • II-D-1. Translate between written and algebraic expressions or between algebraic and written expressions.

  • II-D-2. Substitute and determine the values for first-degree algebraic expressions, given the value of one or more variables.

  • II-D-3. Simplify algebraic expressions through the collection of like terms.

  • II-D-4. Multiply monomials by monomials.

  • II-D-5. Multiply polynomials by a constant using the distributive property.

  • II-D-6. Solve and verify solutions to one- and two-step linear equations containing one variable.

  • II-D-7. Identify the number of different terms in any given polynomial.

Plus ONE of the following units:

General Learning Outcome: Develop and use mathematical strategies, concepts, and/or skills to solve problems in real-life contexts.

  • II-E-1. Make decisions concerning nutrition and activity and justify those decisions both practically and mathematically.

  • II-E-2. Prepare a written report outlining and justifying a fitness program including nutrition, realistic activity or exercise, and whether a person would gain or lose weight using this fitness program.

General Learning Outcome: Develop and use mathematical strategies, concepts and/or skills to solve problems concerning the measurement of perimeter and area, and the use of percent, ratio, scale and proportions in real-life contexts.

  • II-F-1. Make decisions concerning room renovations and justify those decisions both practically and mathematically.

  • II-F-2. Prepare and present a written report outlining and justifying design considerations including measurements, scale drawings, and the cost of materials for a room renovation project.

Curriculum Implementation Resources

Grade 9 – Curriculum Implementation Resources
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