Framework for Learning


Framework for LEARNING

French Immersion Program

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Grade 10 Social Studies: Geographic Issues of the 21st Century

Course Overview

In Geographic Issues of the 21st Century, learners focus on a variety of issues and challenges of the contemporary world. They explore the nature of geography and develop skills related to geographical thinking. Learners use the methods and tools of geography, including geographic information systems (GIS), to examine issues and problems and to propose solutions. They study concepts related to ownership and development of natural resources, production and distribution of food, development of industry and trade, and increasing urbanization. Learners consider these issues in the context of Canada, North America, and the world. Through their study, learners become aware of the importance of the environment, stewardship, and sustainable development, as well as the social, political, and economic implications of their personal choices.

Guiding Principles for the Design of Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices

The Guiding Principles of Designing Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices in the French Immersion program provide guidance to all Manitoba educators as they design learning experiences and classroom assessments to strengthen, extend and expand student learning. Planning with the learner, the context, and the curricula in mind creates opportunities for the co-construction of inclusive learning experiences and assessment practices where the diverse learning needs, abilities and interests of each learner are met.

Assessment for and as learning involve learners in the process and support learner reflection; assessment of learning (commonly known as summative evaluation) measures final outcomes. All aspects, when done well, contribute to informed teaching and reliable judgment of learner progress.

The Guiding Principles of Designing Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices outlined below in the French Immersion Program in Manitoba provide guidance to all Manitoba educators as they design learning and assessment experiences to strengthen, extend and expand student learning. Planning with the learner, the context and the curricula in mind creates opportunities for the co-construction of inclusive learning experiences and assessment practices where the diverse learning needs, abilities and interests of each learner are met.

Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting

The Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting are currently still under development and not yet available. When completed, a notification will be added to the Manitoba Framework for Learning “What’s New?” page on the website.

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 10-KC-001 Give examples of ways in which geographic knowledge and understanding can inform decision-making.

  • 10-KI-003 Explain the relationship between place and identity.

  • 10-KL-008 Define the term geography.

  • 10-KL-009 Identify elements of physical and human geography.

  • 10-KL-010 Describe the relationship between physical and human geography.

  • 10-KL-011 Locate major physical features on a map of North America.

  • 10-KL-012 Locate international political divisions on a map of North America.

  • 10-KL-013 Locate provinces, territories, and capital cities on a map of Canada.

  • 10-KL-014 Explain the concept of global environmental types as physical geographic regions that are composites of climate, vegetation, and soils.

  • 10-KL-015 Identify global environmental types on a map of the world.

  • 10-KL-016 Locate on a map of Manitoba global environmental types found in Manitoba.

  • 10-KL-017 Identify on a map of the world major population clusters, and explain the relationship between population and global environmental types.

  • 10-KL-018 Explain the importance of stewardship in the preservation of the Earth’s complex environment.

  • 10-KH-032 Recognize that the study of geography includes the study of change over time.

  • 10-KP-040 Describe ways in which various globes, maps, and map projections may influence perceptions (e.g., relative size and position, power, sovereignty).

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 10-VC-001 Value the importance of geographic knowledge and understanding in making informed decisions.

  • 10-VI-002 Appreciate the importance of place to their identity.

  • 10-VL-005 Respect the Earth as a complex environment in which humans have important responsibilities.

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 10-KC-002 Describe sustainability issues related to natural resource extraction and consumption.

  • 10-KI-004 Identify Indigenous perspectives and rights regarding natural resources and their use (e.g., perspectives—sacred, caretaking; resources—land claims, fishing and hunting rights, mineral rights).

  • 10-KL-019 Identify major natural resources on a map of the world, a map of North America, and a map of Canada. Include water, forestry, fossil fuels, and metallic and non-metallic minerals.

  • 10-KH-033 Identify factors that influence the changing use of natural resources over time (e.g., technology, culture).

  • 10-KG-035 Identify implications of more-developed countries extracting resources from less-developed countries (e.g., social, political, economic, environmental).

  • 10-KP-041 Identify ways in which competing interests and needs influence control and use of the land and natural resources in Canada (e.g., mining, forestry, water).

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 10-VI-003 Be willing to consider diverse views regarding the use of natural resources.

  • 10-VP-009 Be willing to consider the implications of personal choices regarding natural resources.

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 10-KI-005 Identify human factors affecting the production and use of various types of food (e.g., cultural, economic, political, environmental, marketing).

  • 10-KL-020 Identify the major food production areas (e.g., grains, oilseeds, fruit, vegetables, beverages, animal, fish, fowl) on a map of the world and on a map of Canada.

  • 10-KL-021 Identify physical conditions required to produce major food crops (e.g., topography, soil, climate, water).

  • 10-KL-022 Explain ways in which natural and human-caused phenomena affect food production.

  • 10-KL-023 Describe the impact of various agricultural practices on the physical environment (e.g., soil erosion, water quality, soil fertility).

  • 10-KH-034 Give examples of ways in which food production has changed over time (e.g., soil conservation strategies, technological change).

  • 10-KG-036 Describe issues related to freshwater and saltwater food resources.

  • 10-KG-037 Give examples of the potential impact of climate change on food production.

  • 10-KG-038 Identify issues related to scarcity and distribution of food.

  • 10-KE-043 Identify the changing nature of farming on the prairies, and describe the social and economic implications for communities.

  • 10-KE-044 Identify the stages involved in food production and distribution. Include growing, processing, transportation, and marketing.

  • 10-KE-045 Identify issues related to genetic modification of plants and animals.

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 10-VL-005 Respect the Earth as a complex environment in which humans have important responsibilities.

  • 10-VL-006 Be willing to consider the environmental consequences of their food choices.

  • 10-VP-010 Be willing to consider the economic and political influence of their food choices (e.g., food fashions, food aid, food shortages).

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 10-KI-006 Give examples of increasing involvement of Indigenous Peoples in business and industry in Canada (e.g., eco-tourism, APTN [media production], airlines).

  • 10-KL-024 Identify on a map of the world Canada’s major trading partners and major products traded.

  • 10-KL-025 Identify on a map of the world and on a map of North America major manufacturing regions.

  • 10-KG-039 Define the concept of globalization, and identify related social issues.

  • 10-KE-046 Define the term industry, and give examples of primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary industries.

  • 10-KE-047 Identify factors that determine the location of industry (e.g., energy, raw material, transportation, labour, markets, government policies).

  • 10-KE-048 Use examples to describe advantages and disadvantages of locating a manufacturing industry in a particular area.

  • 10-KE-049 Identify current issues related to industry and trade. Include sustainable development and balance of trade.

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 10-VG-008 Be willing to consider the social and environmental impacts of their consumer choices.

  • 10-VE-011 Be willing to consider the economic implications of their consumer choices.

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 10-KI-007 Analyze urban social issues.

  • 10-KL-026 Use examples to distinguish among rural, urban, and remote places.

  • 10-KL-027 Locate major urban centres on a map of the world and on a map of North America.

  • 10-KL-028 Identify factors that influence the location of urban centres.

  • 10-KL-029 Describe the impact of urbanization on Canadian ways of life.

  • 10-KL-030 Describe urban environmental and economic issues (e.g., land use, relationship to hinterland, infrastructure).

  • 10-KL-031 Describe the role of urban planning, and use examples to illustrate its importance.

  • 10-KP-042 Identify reasons for the emergence of particular cities as centres of power and wealth. Include London, Tokyo, and New York.

  • 10-KE-050 Use Canadian examples to describe the major functions of urban places (e.g., administration, service, tourism, transportation).

  • 10-KE-051 Identify issues related to urban growth and decline.

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 10-VI-004 Value the social diversity of urban centres.

  • 10-VL-007 Be willing to consider the merits of living in rural, urban, and remote places.

  • 10-VE-012 Appreciate the interdependence between urban centres and hinterlands.

Skills for Active Democratic Citizenship

  • 10-S-100 Collaborate with others to establish and carry out group goals and responsibilities.

  • 10-S-101 Use a variety of strategies in conflict resolution.

  • 10-S-102 Make decisions that reflect fairness and equality in their interactions with others.

  • 10-S-103 Promote actions that reflect the principles of sustainability.

  • 10-S-104 Seek consensus in collaborative problem solving.

  • 10-S-105 Recognize and take a stand against discriminatory practices and behaviours.

  • 10-S-106 Propose options that are inclusive of diverse perspectives.

  • 10-S-107 Make decisions that reflect social responsibility.

Skills for Managing Information and Ideas

  • 10-S-200 Select information from a variety of oral, visual, material, print, or electronic sources, including primary and secondary.

  • 10-S-201 Organize and record information in a variety of formats (e.g., maps, graphs, tables, concept maps), and reference sources appropriately.

  • 10-S-202 Select and use appropriate tools and technologies to accomplish tasks (e.g., geographic information systems [GIS] and Global Positioning Systems [GPS]).

  • 10-S-203 Construct maps using a variety of information sources and technologies (e.g., observation, Traditional Knowledge, compass, geographic information systems [GIS] and Global Positioning Systems [GPS]).

  • 10-S-204 Select, use, and interpret various types of maps.

  • 10-S-205 Recognize and interpret various map projections.

Critical and Creative Thinking Skills

  • 10-S-300 Formulate geographic questions to plan inquiry and research.

  • 10-S-301 Consider the context of events, accounts, ideas, and interpretations.

  • 10-S-302 Draw conclusions and make decisions based on research and various types of evidence.

  • 10-S-303 Reconsider personal assumptions based on new information and ideas.

  • 10-S-304 Analyze physical material and evidence during research.

  • 10-S-305 Compare diverse perspectives and interpretations in the media and other information sources.

  • 10-S-306 Analyze prejudice, racism, stereotyping, and other forms of bias in the media and other information sources.

  • 10-S-307 Propose and defend innovative options or solutions to address issues and problems.

  • 10-S-308 Evaluate information from a variety of sources to determine reliability, validity, authenticity, and perspective. Include learner-gathered data.

  • 10-S-309 Observe patterns and make generalizations based on geographic inquiry.

Communication Skills

  • 10-S-400 Listen to others to understand their perspectives.

  • 10-S-401 Use language that is respectful of human diversity.

  • 10-S-402 Express informed and reasoned opinions.

  • 10-S-403 Present information and ideas in a variety of formats appropriate for audience and purpose (e.g., models, displays, multimedia presentations, editorials).

  • 10-S-404 Elicit, clarify, and respond to questions, ideas, and diverse points of view in discussions.

  • 10-S-405 Articulate their perspectives on issues.

  • 10-S-406 Debate differing points of view regarding an issue.

Curriculum Implementation Resources

Grade 10 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Web Pages

Grade 10 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Multimedia

Grade 10 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Documents