Framework for Learning


Framework for LEARNING

French Immersion Program

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Grade 9 Social Studies: Canada in the Contemporary World

Course Overview

Grade 9 learners focus on the opportunities and challenges at the core of Canada’s contemporary plurality. They begin with an overview of Canada today, including its demographics, geography, and political organization. They examine the evolving stories of interaction among the people of Canada, and the influence of the land on the development of Canada. They explore the historical and contemporary complexities of citizenship and identity, considering the challenges and opportunities that emerge when groups with differing identities and perspectives interact with one another. Contemporary Canadian questions and issues are examined within the global context. Learners are given opportunities to explore how they may become involved in Canadian issues. Through this inquiry, they become informed decision makers actively involved in their local, national, and global communities.

Guiding Principles for the Design of Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices

The Guiding Principles of Designing Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices in the French Immersion program provide guidance to all Manitoba educators as they design learning experiences and classroom assessments to strengthen, extend and expand student learning. Planning with the learner, the context, and the curricula in mind creates opportunities for the co-construction of inclusive learning experiences and assessment practices where the diverse learning needs, abilities and interests of each learner are met.

Assessment for and as learning involve learners in the process and support learner reflection; assessment of learning (commonly known as summative evaluation) measures final outcomes. All aspects, when done well, contribute to informed teaching and reliable judgment of learner progress.

The Guiding Principles of Designing Learning Experiences and Assessment Practices outlined below in the French Immersion Program in Manitoba provide guidance to all Manitoba educators as they design learning and assessment experiences to strengthen, extend and expand student learning. Planning with the learner, the context and the curricula in mind creates opportunities for the co-construction of inclusive learning experiences and assessment practices where the diverse learning needs, abilities and interests of each learner are met.

Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting

The Guiding Principles for Evaluation and Reporting are currently still under development and not yet available. When completed, a notification will be added to the Manitoba Framework for Learning “What’s New?” page on the website.

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 9-KC-001 Give examples of human rights as defined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Include basic, citizenship, and legal rights.

  • 9-KC-002 Give examples of the effects of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on individuals and groups.

  • 9-KC-002F Describe effects of Article 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on linguistic minorities. Include effects on their local community.

  • 9-KC-003 Describe the criteria for becoming a Canadian citizen.

  • 9-KC-004 Describe contributions of Canadians whose social and political actions have promoted human rights.

  • 9-KI-016 Describe factors that shape personal, regional, and national identities. Include media influences.

  • 9-KI-017 Give examples of ways in which First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples are rediscovering their cultures.

  • 9-KI-018 Evaluate effects of assimilative policies on cultural and linguistic groups in Canada. Include First Nations, Métis, and Inuit residential schools and language laws.

  • 9-KI-018A Evaluate effects of residential schools on their own and other First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities.

  • 9-KI-018F Evaluate effects of language and education laws on their francophone community.

  • 9-KI-019 Describe effects of stereotyping and discrimination on individuals, communities, and regions.

  • 9-KI-020 Evaluate the influence of mass media and pop culture on individuals, groups, and communities. Include decision-making, perspectives, identity, and culture.

  • 9-KI-020A Evaluate the influence of mass media and pop culture on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit identities and cultures.

  • 9-KI-020F Evaluate the influence of mass media and pop culture on francophone identities and cultures.

  • 9-KI-021 Describe ways in which identity, diversity, and culture are protected in Canada (e.g., Charter, multicultural policies, bilingualism, Canadian content rules in the media, support for the arts and sports, CBC, national celebrations).

  • 9-KL-024 Identify on a map distinguishing elements of the physical and human geography of Canada. Include political boundaries, capital cities, population clusters, and regions.

  • 9-KH-029 Describe factors affecting demographic patterns in Canada since the beginning of the 20th century (e.g., immigration, birth rate, life expectancy, urbanization).

  • 9-KH-030 Describe social and cultural injustices in Canada’s past (e.g., status of women, Chinese head tax, wartime internments of ethnic groups as enemy aliens, Jewish immigration restrictions during Second World War, Indian Act).

  • 9-KH-031 Identify significant events in the development of human rights in Canada.

  • 9-KH-032 Describe ways in which the status of women in Canada has changed since the early 20th century. Include Bill C-31 and the status of First Nations women, and suffrage.

  • 9-KP-043 Give examples of diverse approaches to conflict resolution.

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 9-VI-004 Be willing to consider diverse social and cultural perspectives.

  • 9-VI-005 Appreciate Canadian cultural pluralism.

  • 9-VI-005A Be willing to support the vitality of their First Nations, Inuit, or Métis languages and cultures.

  • 9-VI-005F Be willing to support the vitality of their French language and francophone culture.

  • 9-VH-008 Appreciate the efforts of Canadians who have helped to promote human rights.

  • 9-VH-009 Value the contributions of diverse cultural and social groups to Canadian society.

  • 9-VP-014 Value non-violent resolutions to conflict.

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 9-KC-005 Give examples of ways in which government affects their daily lives (e.g., rights and freedoms, security, laws, education, health care, services).

  • 9-KC-006 Describe Canadian parliamentary democracy. Include constitutional monarchy, federalism, Governor General, Prime Minister, Cabinet, House of Commons, and Senate.

  • 9-KC-007 Describe the responsibilities and processes of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government.

  • 9-KC-008 Describe electoral processes and roles of political parties.

  • 9-KC-009 Identify contemporary political leaders in Canada. Include First Nations, Métis, Inuit, federal, provincial, and local.

  • 9-KC-010 Describe responsibilities and processes of the justice system in Manitoba. Include Indigenous justice systems, and the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

  • 9-KC-010A Describe Indigenous perspectives on justice and law (e.g., Indigenous justice systems, restorative justice, alternative sentencing, policing).

  • 9-KC-011 Identify ways in which democratic ideals have shaped contemporary Canadian society (e.g., rule of law, equality, diversity, freedom, citizen participation in government).

  • 9-KC-012 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of democratic processes in Canada. Include majority/minority issues.

  • 9-KC-013 Describe their responsibilities and rights as citizens of Canada and the world.

  • 9-KC-013A Describe their responsibilities and rights as First Nations, Métis, or Inuit citizens in Canada and the world.

  • 9-KC-013F Describe their responsibilities and rights as francophone citizens of Canada and the world.

  • 9-KP-044 Describe the division of power and responsibilities of federal, First Nations, provincial, and municipal governments.

  • 9-KP-045 Describe factors related to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit self-determination in Canada (e.g., Indian Act, treaties, land claims, natural resources, traditional forms of decision-making).

  • 9-KP-046 Give examples of ways in which people can individually and collectively influence Canada’s political and social systems (e.g., voting, political parties, labour organizations, civil disobedience, NGOs, lobbying).

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 9-VC-001 Appreciate democratic ideals in Canadian society.

  • 9-VC-002 Value their democratic responsibilities and rights.

  • 9-VP-015 Be willing to exercise their responsibilities and rights as citizens living in a democracy (e.g., citizen involvement in political processes, freedom of speech, freedom of association).

  • 9-VP-016 Be sensitive to the impact of majority rule on minorities and marginalized groups.

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 9-KL-025 Identify on a world map countries in which events of global significance are taking place.

  • 9-KG-034 Give examples of Canada’s connections with other nations (e.g., trade, communication, environment, entertainment, sports).

  • 9-KG-035 Evaluate Canadian perspectives regarding current global issues.

  • 9-KG-036 Give examples of decisions that reflect the responsibilities of global citizenship. Include personal and national decisions.

  • 9-KG-037 Compare media portrayals of current issues. Include local, national, and international sources.

  • 9-KG-038 Give examples of Canada’s participation within international organizations (e.g., United Nations, Commonwealth, la Francophonie, Olympics).

  • 9-KG-039 Evaluate Canada’s contributions to international aid and development. Include government and NGOs.

  • 9-KG-040 Assess the implications of Canada’s military role in contemporary conflicts.

  • 9-KE-048 Describe characteristics of Canada as an industrialized nation.

  • 9-KE-049 Evaluate implications of living in a consumer-based economy (e.g., social, political, environmental).

  • 9-KE-050 Give examples of the cultural, political, and economic impact of globalization on Canada. Include transnational corporations.

  • 9-KE-051 Analyze possible consequences of their consumer choices.

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 9-VG-011 Appreciate Remembrance Day as a commemoration of Canadian participation in world conflicts.

  • 9-VG-012 Be willing to consider local, national, and global interests in their decisions and actions.

  • 9-VE-017 Be willing to consider the impact of their consumer choices.

Knowledge Learning Outcomes

  • 9-KC-014 Describe current issues related to citizenship in Canada.

  • 9-KC-015 Give examples of evolving challenges and opportunities in Canadian society as a result of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

  • 9-KI-022 Analyze current issues surrounding Canadian culture and identity.

  • 9-KI-023 Identify possible ways of addressing social injustices in Canada.

  • 9-KL-026 Analyze current Canadian demographics and predict future trends.

  • 9-KL-027 Give examples of opportunities and challenges related to First Nations treaties and First Nations, Métis, and Inuit rights.

  • 9-KL-028 Evaluate Canadian concerns and commitments regarding environmental stewardship and sustainability.

  • 9-KH-033 Give examples of social and technological changes that continue to influence quality of life in Canada (e.g., education, health care, social programs, communication, transportation).

  • 9-KG-041 Give examples of contributions of various Canadians to the global community. Include arts and science.

  • 9-KG-042 Describe Canada’s responsibilities and potential for leadership regarding current global issues (e.g., refugees, international development, environmental stewardship, military defence).

  • 9-KP-047 Identify opportunities and challenges regarding Canadian-American relationships (e.g., protection of national sovereignty, trade, defence, environment).

  • 9-KE-052 Identify poverty issues in Canada (e.g., homelessness, child poverty, health care, education, nutrition), and propose ideas for a more equitable society.

Values Learning Outcomes

  • 9-VC-003 Be willing to engage in discussion and debate about citizenship.

  • 9-VL-006 Respect traditional relationships that First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples of Canada have with the land.

  • 9-VL-007 Be willing to make personal choices to sustain the environment.

  • 9-VH-010 Appreciate that knowledge of the past helps to understand the present and prepare for the future.

  • 9-VG-013 Value Canada’s contributions to the global community (e.g., humanitarian, artistic, scientific, environmental).

  • 9-VE-018 Be willing to consider ethical questions related to sharing wealth and resources.

Skills for Active Democratic Citizenship

  • 9-S-100 Collaborate with others to establish and carry out group goals and responsibilities.

  • 9-S-101 Use a variety of strategies in conflict resolution.

  • 9-S-102 Make decisions that reflect fairness and equality in their interactions with others.

  • 9-S-103 Promote actions that reflect the principles of sustainable development.

  • 9-S-104 Seek consensus in collaborative problem solving.

  • 9-S-105 Recognize and take a stand against discriminatory practices and behaviours.

  • 9-S-106 Propose options that are inclusive of diverse perspectives.

  • 9-S-107 Make decisions that reflect social responsibility.

Skills for Managing Information and Ideas

  • 9-S-200 Select information from a variety of oral, visual, material, print, or electronic sources, including primary and secondary.

  • 9-S-201 Organize and record information in a variety of formats (e.g., maps, graphs, tables, concept maps), and reference sources appropriately.

  • 9-S-202 Select and use appropriate tools and technologies to accomplish tasks.

  • 9-S-203 Construct maps using a variety of information sources and technologies (e.g., observation, Traditional Knowledge, compass, geographic information systems [GIS] and Global Positioning Systems [GPS]).

  • 9-S-204 Select, use, and interpret various types of maps.

Critical and Creative Thinking Skills

  • 9-S-300 Plan topics, goals, and methods for inquiry and research.

  • 9-S-301 Analyze the context of events, accounts, ideas, and interpretations.

  • 9-S-302 Draw conclusions and make decisions based on research and various types of evidence.

  • 9-S-303 Reconsider personal assumptions based on new information and ideas.

  • 9-S-304 Analyze material and visual evidence during research (e.g., artifacts, photographs, political cartoons, works of art).

  • 9-S-305 Compare diverse perspectives and interpretations in the media and other information sources.

  • 9-S-306 Analyze prejudice, racism, stereotyping, and other forms of bias in the media and in other information sources.

  • 9-S-307 Propose and defend innovative options or solutions to address issues and problems.

  • 9-S-308 Evaluate information from a variety of sources to determine reliability, validity, authenticity, and perspective. Include learner-gathered data.

Communication Skills

  • 9-S-400 Listen to others to understand their perspectives.

  • 9-S-401 Use language that is respectful of human diversity.

  • 9-S-402 Express informed and reasoned opinions.

  • 9-S-403 Present information and ideas in a variety of formats appropriate for audience and purpose (e.g., models, displays, multimedia presentations, editorials).

  • 9-S-404 Elicit, clarify, and respond to questions, ideas, and diverse points of view in discussions.

  • 9-S-405 Articulate their perspectives on issues.

  • 9-S-406 Debate differing points of view regarding an issue.

Curriculum Implementation Resources

Grade 9 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Web Pages

Grade 9 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Multimedia

Grade 9 - Curriculum Implementation Resources: Documents