Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Outreach Services
The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Consultant Team (DHHCT) supports educators throughout the province in meeting the learning needs of students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and attending school in a public or independent funded school. The team provides specialized consultative support which, depending on the needs of the student and the school team, may include:
- Professional development on education for students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing in relation to:
- The implications of hearing loss
- Speech, language, auditory, cognitive and academic skills development
- Acoustics, amplification / technology support
- Computerized Note-taking
- Teaching and literacy strategies
- Student socioemotional well-being
- American Sign Language / Deaf Culture
- ASL-English Interpreting skills
- Collaboration with School Division teams to facilitate:
- Educational planning/appropriate supports for students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Appropriate adaptations to the learning environment, materials, teaching techniques and strategies, assessment and evaluation
- communication access and development (oral, auditory-verbal, ASL, AAC, a combination of modes)
- the instruction of students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing in a K-12 school setting according to provincially developed or approved curricula
- the modification of curricula to meet student needs where appropriate
- individualized programming
- student specific planning
- Consultation regarding:
- the use of technology, (i.e. hearing aids, cochlear implants, FM / soundfield systems, videoconferencing equipment, computerized notetaking) to support educational programming
- education and research-based practice
- resource materials
- services and supports available to students from other agencies
- Interagency collaboration as required, which includes but is not limited to specific service providers, school divisions, and government agencies
- American Sign Language (ASL) skills development
- Formal evaluation of interpreting skills of staff as requested by School Division personnel
- Educational and social activities for students who have a hearing loss