Resources for Schools
Student Services
Funding for Student Services
In Manitoba, every students is entitled to receive appropriate educational programming. Every school division is unique in how a continuum of supports is provided for students with special needs.
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning publishes the Funding of Schools booklet each year which outlines the base support grants and categorical grants provided to school divisions.
There are some grants that support students with special needs specifically, for example the Student Services Grant and Clinician/Coordinator grants. These grants are used by school divisions to provide a continuum of supports for students with special needs. The Student Services Grant is intended to support students with mild to moderate special learning needs.
For school divisions, the grant supports students with severe to profound special learning needs.
No student specific funding applications for special needs level 2 and level 3 funding have been required since 2017/18, with a few notable exceptions. Ending the student specific application process for Level 2 and 3 funding has avoided the negative labeling of students by funding category and allows for predictable levels of funding as school divisions continue to plan for and provide appropriate educational programming that is inclusive of all students.
Funded Independent Schools continue to use the student specific special needs catagorical funding application process.
Special Needs Categorical Funding Criteria
Low Incidence Level 2 and Level 3
Student specific funding applications will continue to be required for Special Needs Level 2 and Level 3 categorical funding in the following cases:
- Level 3 EBD funding;
- Unified Referral and Intake System (URIS) Group A (UGA) funding;
- Level 2 or Level 3 funding for students attending the Whiteshell School District or a funded independent school.
In these cases, the process for determining eligibility for level 2 or 3 funding requires Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning to consider applications on an individual basis. The Student Services Administrator (SSA) or Funded Independent School Representative (FISR) together with the school/division team identify those students requiring exceptional supports who meet the Criteria for Level 2 or 3 funding support. Applications are completed and submitted to Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning’s funding review team to determine eligibility. The application process and determination of eligibility are outlined in the links to the right.
Students with profound emotional/behavioural disorders require Multisystem treatment plans. Eligibility for funding is determined by a Multisystem Team that has representation from Education and Training, Families, Health, Seniors and Active Living. See EBD Level 3. For students who require support for complex medical procedures that must be performed by a nurse, the URIS application process is used. Eligibility for funding is determined by the URIS Interdepartmental Committee that has representation from Education and Training, Families, and Health, Seniors and Active Living. See Unified Referral and Intake System.
General Enquiries
Inclusion Support Branch
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
Telephone: 204-945-7912
Toll Free in Manitoba: 1-800-282-8069, ext. 7912
Email: isbinfo@gov.mb.ca